Civil Engineering Industry Standards
Rotorua Lakes Council has adopted the Regional Infrastructure Technical Specifications as its Code of Practice. This replaces the previous Regional Civil Engineering Industry Standards.
Climate Action Plan
Council adopted the Rotorua Climate Action Plan in February 2021. Guided by the Zero Carbon Act, it has been developed in partnership with stakeholders and the wider community. The Climate Action Plan is the blueprint for combating climate change in the District.
Destination Management Plan
The Rotorua Destination Management Plan was developed during 2021 in partnership with Te Arawa, Central Government, Rotorua Lakes Council, and members of our local tourism, hospitality and accommodation sectors. It sets out a strategic pathway for sustainable tourism development to ensure Rotorua is a thriving visitor destination for the benefit of the local community.
Economic Development
Future Development Strategy
The FDS is a long-term strategy for the development of a well-functioning urban environment (the city including Ngongotahā) that provides for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of its people, as well as directing how and where growth will happen over the next 30 years.
He Papakāinga, He Hāpori Taurikura | A Strategy for Homes and Thriving Communities
Pārekareka | Play, Active Recreation and Sport Strategy
In November 2024, the Council adopted the Pārekareka, A Play, Active Recreation and Sport Strategy. This strategy aims to shape the future of play, active recreation, and sport facilities across the Rotorua district.
Key objectives include:
- Guiding the approach and work programme for facility provision.
- Setting future priorities for play and active recreation.
- Informing investment decisions through the Long-term Plan (LTP) process.
- Helping key organisations understand the community’s priorities and desires.
Solid Waste Management
Several documents and frameworks influence how Council manages solid waste.
These include:
- New Zealand Waste Strategy - (
- Environment Waikato Waste Strategy - (
- Environment Bay of Plenty Waste Strategy- (PDF, 1.9MB)
- policy, bylaws and legislation
- our Waste Management Plan and Landfill Management Plan: