Health Licensing
Operators of camping grounds, hairdressers, funeral directors and offensive trades must be registered with Council and undergo annual inspections under the Health (Registration of Premises) Regulation 1966 pursuant to the Health Act 1956.
Camping grounds and campsites
Camping grounds must be registered and inspected annually. The Camping-Grounds Regulations 1985 sets out the minimum standards for the grounds and the provision of amenities.
Any person wishing to establish a new camping ground or make alterations to an existing premise should contact a licensing officer prior to application on 07 348 4199 or
The regulations define hairdressing as the “dressing, curling, waving, cleansing, cutting, shaving, trimming, singeing, bleaching, tinting, colouring, or other treatment of the hair or beard of any person”.
Basic requirements of the premises are:
- All wettable areas must be continuously smooth, impervious to water and readily cleanable
- Ventilation and lighting must be adequate
- There must be hot and cold running water and separate sinks for hand washing, shampooing, utensil washing and any other needs
- You must organise management of premises cleaning, building maintenance, pest control and chemical storage.
Offensive trades
If you intend doing any of the following activities, you must register with us as an offensive trade:
- Refuse collection
- Bone crushing or boiling
- Tallow melting
- Tanning
- Fish processing
- Blood or offal, bone, hide, hoof or skin treating
- Used bottle collection or storage
- Flax pulping
- Septic tank desludging
- Dag crushing
- Fellmongering
- Wool scouring
- Animal slaughter for other than human consumption
- Textile manufacturing.
Funeral directors
All funeral parlours are required to comply with the Health (Burial) Regulations 1946.
Basic requirements of the premises are:
- Mortuary surfaces are required to be continuously smooth, impervious to water, readily cleanable and lightly coloured
- Floors must be coved to the walls and permanent fixtures and graded and drained to the sewer
- Lighting and ventilation must be adequate
- Mortuary tables must also be graded and drained
- There must be hot and cold running water, and a wash hand basin must be convenient to the area and separate from other sinks
- Staff toilet facilities should be provided
- You must organise management of cleaning practices, personal hygiene policies, pest control, building maintenance and safe chemical storage.