Resource Consents
If your project could impact on the environment, or could affect other people, you may need resource consent.
We have statutory resource management functions and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act 1991. Council is tasked with promoting sustainable management of both the natural and built environment through a range of tools, including land use planning.
You are welcome to discuss your proposal with us and whether you might need resource consent. Book a duty planner appointment online or read up on the planning guides, checklists and forms on the pages below.
Ask a Duty Planner a Question
Have a question for a duty planner? Ask here and they will be in touch with an answer.
Duty Planner Appointment
Make a free appointment with a Duty Planner Mon-Thur from 12pm to 4pm.
Planning Applications, Brochures & Guides
Application forms for planning, resource consent, design guides, planning checklists and useful resources for planning.
Rotorua District Plan
The District Plan sets out how the Rotorua district's land and resources can be used. Visit the District Plan section of the website to view the full District Plan and get guidance on planning and resource consents.
Planning fees and charges
A full list of our planning fees and charges for building services is on our Fees and Charges page.
Development Contributions Policy
If you’re subdividing, building, or connecting to council services, you may need to pay a development contribution fee. Read the Development Contributions Policy to find out what they fund, when they should be paid, and how much they’re likely to be.
Publicly notified resource consents
For current and past publicly notified resource consent information, please visit the Public Notices section of our website. These are part of our consultation and community feedback process.