Water Connections
Applying for a new connection
An application form is required for every new or relocated dwelling or building, including for new wastewater and stormwater connections. It is also required where a change of usage is occurring to a property, such as domestic to commercial. There are separate connection forms for water, stormwater and wastewater below.
Council controls and maintains records for all wastewater connections to the sewer reticulation under its control. Only Council-approved contractors are permitted to make connections to the Public Sewer Reticulation System.
How to apply:
- Submit the completed form or forms to Council at info@rotorualc.nz
- Enclose a site plan of your property, showing the preferred location of the connection and a measurement to the nearest boundary peg
- Pay the administration fee. An administration fee is not charged when a service line is already in place, or for change of use or relocation. To see the current fees for water services, visit our Fees and Charges page.
- If your application is for an industrial site, you may also need an Industrial Stormwater Licence
- Council will assess your application within five days of receipt.

Water connection application form - PDF, 164KB

Stormwater connection application form - PDF, 147KB

Wastewater connection application form - PDF, 156KB
After the connection is approved
Council will email you to outline any further requirements or restrictions, including the potential need for a meter, backflow preventer, or flow restrictor.
You will receive a list of approved contractors along with the necessary documentation. You can then get quotes and/or engage a contractor.
Please note that the approved contractor will need your approval documentation before starting any work.
Approved contractors:
- Level 1 connections - those that can be installed live
- Level 2 connections - where a shutdown of the water supply is required
- Level 3 connections - connections to water mains over 150mm in diameter.
Council maintains records of each service connection location, which is the point where the service connection enters the property boundary from the public main. This information can typically be provided upon request, usually over the phone.
Council also maintains a Property File for each property, which generally includes a drawing of the wastewater drainage arrangements.
Cost and timeframes
The cost of the connection will depend on the work needed. You need to arrange payment details directly with your contractor.
Road Corridor Access requests and timeframes
If work is required inside the road corridor on water mains or a public sewer under footpaths or roads, the contractor must submit a Road Corridor Access Request before work can commence. This can take up to 15 days to process from the date of application.

Water supply requirements
Please note the requirements for connections specific to the areas listed below.
Central, Eastern and Ngongotaha:
- Domestic (land area 2000m² or less) unmetered manifold connection
- Domestic (land area greater than 2000m²) metered with backflow preventer
- Commercial/industrial metered: may require backflow preventer.
Mamaku, Ōkareka, Rotoiti, Rotomā and Hamurana:
- All connections metered
- Backflow preventer required if land area is greater than 2000m².
Kaharoa and Reporoa
- All connections metered
- Farm supplies - restricted flow rates and on-site storage or pumped systems may be necessary
- Backflow preventer and flow restrictor required
- Reporoa urban: on-site storage recommended.
Apply for a disconnection
To apply for a disconnection to any water service - water, stormwater or wastewater - please use the service disconnection form found on the Disconnections page.