Statutory Acknowledgements in the Rotorua District
What a statutory acknowledgement is
A statutory acknowledgement is a formal acknowledgement by the Crown in Treaty of Waitangi claim settlement legislation of the traditional association of iwi with a taonga (a resource known as a 'statutory area').
Statutory areas in the Rotorua District have included land, geographic features, lakes and rivers and geothermal features. They have been limited to taonga-owned or controlled by the crown. Statutory acknowledgements have implications for resource consents, archaeological authorities and other proceedings. Refer to the documents below for further information.
Statutory acknowledgements for statutory areas in the Rotorua district
These Statutory Acknowledgments are attached to the Rotorua District Plan, Part 2 - District-Wide Matters - Historical and Cultural Values, but do not form part of the District Plan.
Click the links below to view.
Nga Whakaaetanga-a-ture i Rotorua. Statutory acknowledgements in the Rotorua District
The statutory acknowledgements come from the following claim settlement acts:
Ngāti Tūwharetoa (Bay of Plenty) Claims Settlement Act 2005;
Ngāti Awa Claims Settlement Act 2005;
Te Arawa Lakes Settlement Act 2006 and the Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapū Claim Settlement Act 2008;
Ngāti Mākino Claims Settlement Act 2012;
Tapuika Claims Settlement Act 2014;
Ngāti Rangiwewehi Claims Settlement Act 2014;
Ngāti Rangiteaorere Claims Settlement Act 2014;