Official Information Request - 21 June 2017 10.26am
Letter from Minister of Health - August 2011
Report to Infrastructure Committee 20 June 2011 and extract of associated minutes
Letter from Associate Minister of Health - July 2015
Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2017 10:26 a.m.
Subject: TRIM: LGOIMA request Rotoiti/Rotoma Sewerage Scheme
I refer to your email of 22 May requesting various information regarding the Rotoiti/Rotoma Sewerage Scheme, and provide the following responses/attachments as per your email:
1. Could you please supply all information/correspondence regarding the Ministry of Health subsidy as it applies to the above scheme. Specifically,
A) How that subsidy is proportioned and to whom or what area it applies as per the Minister's approval.
Attached is a letter from the Minister of Health dated 29 June 2011 detailing the subsidy amount and confirming that the subsidy does not include funding for the Kennedy Bay and Otautu Bay areas.
B) Any information from either internal staff recommendations or from the Rotoiti/Rotoma Sewerage Scheme Committee 9RRSSC) as to how that subsidy would be applied and to whom or what area.
Attached is a report to the Infrastructure Committee on 20 June 2011 and extract from the associated minutes, confirming that Kennedy Bay and Otautu Bay properties will be excluded from the Rotoma and Rotoehu Sewerage Scheme.
C) Any information, either internal or from the Minister, that states that the Rotoma portion of the scheme must be operational by June 2018 or risk losing the MoH subsidy.
Attached is a letter from the Associate Minister of Health confirming the final deadline for subsidy for the Rotoma sewerage scheme is 30 June 2018.
2. Could you please provide all information that lead to the decision to "write off" and put into the general
rates $3 million from the above scheme.
The value of the asset in question was considered "impaired" and therefore written-off in the 2015 financial year against the Sewerage activity (in accordance with the Public Entity accounting standards - Accounting standard No.21). Audit NZ's audit report confirmed that the financial statements complied with generally accepted accounting practice.
We are obliged to advise that you may contact the Ombudsman at the address below if you have any concerns with the response provided by Council, by writing to:
The Office of the Ombudsman
PO Box 10 152
Alternatively, you may email or use the online complaints form available at
Jean-Paul GastonGroup Manager, Strategy and Partnerships P: 07 351 8302 | M: 0276554415 E: | W: A: 1061 Haupapa St, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand |