Sent: Friday, 9 June 2017 11:21 a.m.
Subject: TRIM: Official information requests - Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme
I refer to your emails of 18 and 30 May 2017 requesting various information regarding the Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme, and reply below as per your correspondence:
Request of 18 May
- I am seeking all information in any format about the proposed East Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme and why this process has been placed on hold. In particular, the date and the reasons why the process was placed on hold along with the names and status of the people responsible for this decision.The sewerage scheme was not put on hold. The resource consent application was put on hold to provide sufficient time to resolve the objections before a hearing date was set. A hearing date has now been set for 11-13 July 2017.
- I am also seeking all information held in any format surrounding the decisions made to not include Kennedy and Otautu Bays at Lake Rotoehu in the proposed East Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme.Attached is a report provided to the Infrastructure Services Committee on 20 June 2011 along with an extract from the minutes of this meeting where it was recommended that Kennedy Bay and Otautu Bay be excluded from the sewerage scheme
- Please provide an analysis of which subsidy from which organisation is being applied to where, any conditions, and assumptions associated with the proposed East Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme.Refer to pages 4-8 of the attached Annual Plan 2017/2018 Consultation Document which provides this information on the East Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme
Request of 30 May
Given that the proposed scheme includes selected parts of Lake Rotoehu Catchment I am seeking all information in any format about the:
- "significant changes in policy from the Regional Council, Ministry for the Environment and indeed Rotorua Lakes Council as well" which Ian McLean claims are needed to include Kennedy and Otautu Bays in the proposed Rotoma/East Rotoiti sewerage scheme.Please refer to the link below for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Rotoehu Action Plan. This plan sets actions for the Lake. At this stage there are no significant changes to the actions contained in the plan.
- Policies and decisions applied to include selected parts of Lake Rotoehu into the proposed Rotoma/East Rotoiti sewerage scheme.Attached is a report provided to the Works Committee on 15 March 2010 along with an extract from the minutes of this meeting where it recommended the areas to be included within this sewerage scheme. The map below shows the approved area of benefit for the Rotoiti/Rotoma sewerage scheme for Lakes Rotoiti and Rotoehu.