31 July 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Rubbish at Butcher's pool
I am writing a story about locals being upset regarding the mess continually being left behind at Butcher's Block Pools.
I have been told that Lakes Council maintain the bins and maybe the toilets at the pools but wanted to check this is correct.
I am also hoping someone might be able to tell me how often council staff/contractors visit Butcher's Block and what their role is as far as keeping it clean and tidy.
From Council's Sports, Recreation and Environment Manager, Rob Pitkethley:
Butcher's Pool in Reporoa is a popular spot for both locals and visitors however this has unfortunately contributed to an ongoing problem with litter in the area.
Previously part of the Reporoa Domain Board properties owned by the Crown, Butcher's Pool thermal reserve was vested in Council in 1964 as a recreation reserve so the pool could remain accessible to the public. The reserve and pool was upgraded in 2001 to include a new pool structure, wheelchair access, and a new toilet block and changing facilities.
Council initially serviced one small bin in the area once a week however due to the amount of rubbish being left around the bin this was upgraded to a 360L wheelie bin on a stand. This bin is scheduled to be emptied twice a week but is often emptied more frequently by Smart Environmental staff (Council's contractor) passing through the area.
Council also services the grounds and toilet facilities in the area. The toilets are cleaned twice a week, mowing is undertaken approximately every three weeks and gardening monthly. Council maintains the hard surfaces, decking and fencing.
There is a liquor-ban and glass bottle-ban in the area to try and reduce the chances of glass entering the pool and potentially causing harm to someone. However these signs are often vandalised and removed and glass bottles make up a large portion of the rubbish that is collected from the site.
At the end of last year a community clean up took place at Butcher's Pool. This involved Council, the Rotorua Rural Community Board, and local families. Smart Environmental provided the rubbish bags, protective gloves and organised the removal of the rubbish from the site.
While the area is largely respected by most users it is disappointing that a handful of people are negatively impacting the experience for others. While Council is proactive about ensuring the area is clean and safe, the responsibility lies with all users of the pool to abide by the glass and liquor ban and help keep the area clean and tidy.
People are encouraged to let Council know if the area needs immediate servicing.