28 September 2017
Media: NZ Herald - Local Focus (online)
Topic: Captive bolt guns
Does the council use captive bolt guns to euthanise impounded dogs? If not, what method is used?
Rotorua Lakes Council does not use captive bolt guns.
Impounded dogs which are unclaimed and unable to re rehomed, or which have been involved in an attack and are surrendered by their owners, are euthanised by way of injection, administered by a vet.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Hemo sculpture
I spoke briefly with (RLC's) Jean-Paul Gaston who said looking for financing was on hold until a final design was settled on and a final costings sheet was drawn up. Is this the case? Is there any additional interest that's come through in the mean time?
And on the construction challenges: Have any firms indicated an interest and capability?
Is there any other progress of interest?
There is no update at this stage about construction of the Hemo sculpture.
Investigations into alternative options are continuing but Council may have an update in about two weeks' time.