25 May 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Hemo Gorge Sculpture
The reporter sought comment from Rotorua Lakes Council in response to claims that it's going to take extra time, money and material to make because of a miscalculation or oversight.
The following questions were asked:
- Is this true? How is it tracking?
- The sculpture has been quoted as costing $500,000 is this still the case? If not, how much will it cost?
- Will the sculpture still be installed around the end of August/September weather permitting?
- Have there been miscalculations which have affected the project timeline. If yes, please specify.
Further question:
Last time you were able to say 14 % of the sculpture has been complete. Any chance to get that for this point in time too?
Response from Stewart Brown -
The printing phase of the sculpture is well underway and on budget.
The scale of this project is an entirely new concept for anyone in New Zealand let alone the world so it is understandable that a completion date is hard to pinpoint.
Initially Council estimated the completion date to be August however the current status of the project means installation is more likely to be October (all things going well).
Information provided -
We understand that you have already received information from Kilwell relating to the material required for the printing process.
Also our previous response regarding cost stands. The estimated total cost of the project is $500,000.
Further information provided:
We have confirmed that 35% of the printing portion has been done.