11 September 2020
Media: RotoruaNow
Topic: Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre project progress
a couple of quick questions.
1. What is the total cost of the project?
2. Has any work been done inside at all? (Reading the PR it would seem it has sat empty for three years and nothing has started.)
"Significant progress has been made on the project to strengthen and redevelop the Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre, with design work now complete and construction poised to start pending Council approval."
NOTE: Reporter's reference to PR was a reference to yesterday's news release - see HERE
The following information was provided:
This link provides information on what has happened on the project so far.
The construction contract and associated costs are currently being finalised and this information is commercially sensitive so is not available at this time.
Regular updates on the Sir Howard Morrison Centre project are provided through monthly reports at the Operating & Monitoring Committee meetings. These reports include work that has been completed, work that is underway, and work that is about to start.
Media: Stuff
Topic: Hemo sculpture installation
Reporter sought comment from Mayor Chadwick re pending installation of Hemo sculpture:
Is she pleased that it looks like we are in the final stages of this process?
Does she think it will have been worth the additional cost and wait?
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
It has been a long wait and it's good to see it now ready to be put in place.
It has been an incredibly complex - and also groundbreaking - project that has required a lot of innovation. There have been challenges for both its construction and installation, but that's because it's something that has never been done before.
I think it will provide a great entry piece that tells an important Te Arawa and Rotorua story, and I look forward to it becoming part of the local landscape and welcoming our manuhiri.