10 April 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Kuirau Park drainage
The O&M agenda states there are ongoing drainage problems at Kuirau Park.
- What is the cause of the drainage issues?
- Which area has been affected?
- The agenda notes the schools touch competition has been moved as a result - have any other sports/activities been affected?
- How much will it cost to rectify and how long will that work take?
- If the plan is to fix it, when is this expected to happen?
From Sport and Recreation Manager, Rob Pitkethley:
Kuirau Park sits on land that was historically a geothermal swampland with varying water table levels that makes it challenging to maintain this land as sports fields.
The main problem area is the northern end of the field between the Aquatic Centre and where the market is held.
Last month, Council and Rotorua Touch, which is the only code affected, reached a decision to move the Junior Touch competition to Neil Hunt Park until the end of the current summer competition season. The intention is to permanently move the competition to Westbrook from next season. Given drainage concerns at Kuirau Park aren't new, at this stage we aren't looking at any remediation work.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Ngongotaha Special Housing Area public information meeting
The reporter advised that they would be attending the public meeting and asked the following questions:
- I was just wondering what to expect from the meeting?
- Who will be speaking there?
The following information was provided:
The purpose of the hui is to provide information about special housing areas and the legislation and processes around that, and to inform the community about the process to date and next steps with regards to the two proposed Ngongotaha special housing areas.
Council officers will present information and answer questions from those in attendance.