Selling in Public Places
To trade in a public place within Rotorua, you are required to follow our local bylaws and other relevant license conditions.
Who needs a permit
Mobile food businesses are bound by our General Bylaw and will need a licence (permit) to operate in Rotorua.
This includes:
- Mobile shops, like food trucks, coffee carts and ice cream vans
- Market stalls selling food, vegetables or other goods.
If you're looking to run one of the above businesses, you'll need to apply for a market stall/mobile shop licence. Find the details on the process, bylaw requirements, and how to apply for the necessary permits here.
Mobile food businesses or premises (including food stalls and mobile vans) must have a Food Control Plan registered with the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI). Find out more on our Food Licensing page.
The permit process
Step 1: Register your food business
You will first need to register a Food Control Plan or National Programme with us.
Step 2: Apply for your stall/mobile shop permit
This permit covers one vehicle at a time. You will need individual permits and/or event licences for each mobile shop you operate.
- Decide what type of permit you will need:
- One-off event
- 3 consecutive days
- 1 month to 12 months (Fenton Street & Ngongotaha Road)
- 6 months
- 1 year
- Download and complete the form below, making sure you include all the required documents
- Pay the licensing fee
- Send your completed form to
Permitted locations and trading hours
Market stalls:
- Saturday morning Rotary Market (Kuirau Park, cnr Ranolf St & Lake Rd)
- Rotorua Night Market (Thursdays, Tutanekai St)
- Special events (such as Home & Garden Show or lakefront concerts).
Please note that you'll need approval from the market or event organiser before you apply for your permit.
Mobile shops:
- Fenton Street: between Carnot and Seddon Street (maximum of 4 traders)
- Ngongotaha Road: between 295 and the Ngongotaha fire station (maximum of 1 trader)
- Ranolf Street laybys: restricted sites for use by mobile coffee shop only (maximum of 1 trader per layby)
Trading hours
Mobile shops may trade between:
1 April to 30 September | 9am to 5.30pm |
1 October to 31 March | 8am to 7.00pm |
Mobile shops can't stop in any street for longer than 30 minutes, other than in the permitted locations above.
Restricted locations
- No business is to be carried out on any reserve without written approval of the Active & Engaged Communities Manager, Rotorua Lakes Council.
- On the grounds of likely traffic hazards, no trading is carried out within 150 metres of any CCZ1 (CBD) zoned area.
Other approvals
You may need to consider other approvals before you start trading, including:
- Market or event organisers
- Landowner or lease holder (if stopping on private land)
- Private land may need a resource consent.
Who doesn't need a mobile shop/stall licence
You can sell food to raise funds (fundraising) for a charity, or for cultural and community events without registering under the Food Act 2014 but only up to 20 times in a calendar year. You may still need a stall licence or permission from the landowner.
If you sell food to fundraise 20 times per year or more, you will need to follow the permit process above.
Some food operations
Some food operations can be exempt from registration. If you're an event organiser, it's your duty to ensure that each food operator is either registered with us or exempt. Contact one of our licensing officers to get advice.
Licence conditions and other requirements
Licence conditions
- At all times the licence shall be displayed in a prominent and public position at the premises (stall, mobile shop etc.)
- That the provisions of the Food Act 2014 and any regulations thereunder are complied with.
- That the provisions of the Transport Act, Transit New Zealand Act 1989, (Road User) Rules 2004 and any regulations or bylaws thereunder are complied with.
- That on the grounds of likely traffic hazards, no trading is carried out in any streets within the Central Business District (CBD), generally bounded by Amohau Street, Ranolf Street, Whakaue Street, Rangiuru Street projected to the shore of Lake Rotorua, the shore of Lake Rotorua to the projection of Hinemaru Street.
- That on the grounds of likely traffic hazards, no trading is carried out on the street, or road or on part of any street or road in the District within 150 metres of any area zoned CCZ1 under the Rotorua District Plan.
- That, on the grounds of likely traffic hazards, no trading is carried out on any State Highway other than on sites specifically approved in writing or as may be allocated by the Licensing Officer in any particular case. There being a maximum of 4 traders on Fenton Street, and one trader at the Ngongotaha site at any one time and that the "Restricted Sites" (on Ranolf Street laybys) for mobile coffee shops to be used only 1 vehicle per layby.
- For trading on other than a designated fixed sites listed above, the Licensee shall not stand or remain stationary in any street, except for such reasonable time as is required for the transaction of his/her business with any customer, and for no longer than 30 minutes in any one place. Individual sites or localities may not be visited or frequented on more than one occasion in any one day.
- That the hours of trade authorised by the licence shall be 8.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Sunday from 1 October to 31 March and 9.00 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Sunday from 1 April to 30 September, excepting on those days when trading is specifically prohibited by any Act, Regulation or Bylaw. No mobile shop or mobile shopkeeper shall remain or encamp on or adjacent to any of the approved sites outside the authorised hours of trade.
- No business is to be carried out on any Reserve in the District vested in or under the control of the Council, without the specific written approval of the Active & Engaged Communities Manager of the Rotorua Lakes Council.
- Upon the request of any officer, you may be required to alter the position or remove the stall, mobile shop from any street or public place.
- AII sales and displays shall be confined to the vehicle, mobile shop stall or thing. No tables, boxes, crates, produce, goods, shelter or structures or other items or things shall be placed, set up or arranged on the road, verge or public place.
- Every person engaged in the sale of food shall comply with any further extra condition specified by a Licensing Officer.
- Every licensed person shall carry with them at all times their current licence together with the conditions subject to which such licence was granted attached thereto, and shall produce the same on demand to any Constable and to any officer or servant of the Rotorua Lakes Council.
- The conditions relating to any vehicle, mobile shop stall or thing, its equipment, or any depot shall be fulfilled within the time stated by the licensing Officer before a licence is issued. Any person engaged in the sale of food who fails to comply with any such requirement shall be guilty of an offence as prescribed in the Rotorua District General Bylaw should they continue to operate.
- No roadside signs are permitted. All signs must be attached to the vehicle, mobile shop stall or thing. The maximum size for any sign is one (1) square area. The maximum number of signs per vehicle is two (2) with one facing in each direction along the road.
- Before using a temporary mobile shop, vehicle stall, thing or depot in place of the one that is approved by Council, the Compliance Solutions team at the Rotorua Lakes Council must first be notified in writing (includes email).
Signage requirements
NZ Transport Agency has published a number of requirements for displaying signs in Road Reserves and there are also rules set by council in relation to signs associated with mobile shops.
Signs must:
- Be attached to the mobile shop
- Be a maximum size of 1 square metre in area
- Have no more than 2 signs present per vehicle, with one facing in each direction
- Have messages that are clear, concise and easily read
- Have a minimum lettering height of 120mm
- Have a maximum of six words and/or symbols, with a maximum of 40 characters
- Use a colour combination for the background, wording and legend that are not similar to those used for any official road sign or traffic sign
- Not use reflective materials, internal or external illumination, or variable, flashing, rotating or animated parts.
For more information on signage requirements, refer to NZ Transport Agency’s website, Rotorua Lakes Council Signs on Roads Bylaw 2015 and the licence conditions.

Example signs and measurements