Road Safety for Schools
Council works with other community groups and Rotorua's urban and rural school communities to help make their roadsides and school zones safer for students, school staff, and local residents. We provide resources, safety reccommendations, and workshops or events with local school students.
Ara Kē Atu - active transport
Ara Kē Atu - 'an alternative pathway' - is our active transport programme for schools.
The programme encourages healthy transport to get around, such as biking, walking, scootering, bussing and skating. It introduces students to sustainable travel in a fun, achievable, everyday setting.
Why should my kura/school take part in Ara Kē Atu?
- To be active - encourage and support active ways to get to school
- To have safer roads - reduce traffic congestion outside your school gates
- To clear the air – reduce carbon emissions for a cleaner future for our tamariki
- To have fun – most kids want to bike or walk to school because they enjoy it.
Road safety with Ruru
Our wise road safety owl, Ruru makes a special effort to get around ECE and Kohanga reo in Road Safety Awareness week.
To ask Ruru to visit you, please email
Safe walking programme
Lessons in road safety start as soon as tamariki are out and about on our streets, which is most often as pedestrians. Our road safety coordinator and your local school police constable will come to your school to teach tamariki about safe walking.We cover how to cross the road safely, driveway awareness, and take the class on a short hikoi/walk to practice these skills in the streets near your school. These lessons are designed for junior students.

Safe ways to school surveys
Safe ways to school travel surveys are run at several schools in Rotorua each year. The information gathered by this survey helps us identify how people are travelling to school, why they are making the travel choices they do and track changes over time. We use this information to help inform where infrastructure upgrades may be needed now and in the future.
The simple on-line survey involves the parents/caregivers and tamariki of your school answering some questions about their school travel routines. The aim of the survey is to identify areas of concern and barriers to students and parents in using alternative modes of transport.
Both Council and schools that have previously participated in the safe ways to school travel survey have found it beneficial for forward planning purposes and longer-term shift in mode use.
Eke Haumaru | BikeReady
Our skilled instructors will come to your school with a fleet of bikes to teach tamariki cycle safety skills.
In Grade 1, master cycle skills through games and activities on school grounds. In Grade 2, tamariki will learn the skills to ride safely on quiet streets, focusing on road positioning and signalling.
Download the handbook to find out booking information and forms.
To ask about booking any of our school programmes, please contact us at