Lake Ōkataina

Lake Ōkataina Scenic Reserve is located at the end of Lake Ōkataina Road. This reserve is managed by the Department of Conservation.
The area is pristine, with native bush down to the water's edge. There are several walkways in this area that provide access to the Ōkataina scenic reserve.
The name Ōkataina means "The lake of laughter", a shortened form of the original name Te Moana-i-kataina-a-Te Rangitakaroro, which means "The ocean where Te Rangitakaroro laughed". Te Rangitakaroro and his warriors were resting when one member of his group referred to the lake as an ocean and this was seen as a great joke by the rest of the group. Their laughter echoed around the lake and now remains enshrined in its name.
Lake Ōkataina was an important link in pre-European travel routes, when canoes were carried from Lake Tarawera to Lake Ōkataina. The lake and surrounding scenic reserve are remote and beautiful, with native bush down to the water's edge containing fine examples of rimu, totara, rata and kahikatea.
Getting to the reserve
Follow the Rotorua-Whakatane highway (SH30) for 24km to Ruato Bay on Lake Rotoiti, then turn right and drive through the beautiful Ōkataina Scenic Drive.
Reserve facilities
- Composting toilet
- Barbecues (electric, on timer)
- Picnic tables
- Boat ramp.
There is no overnight parking or camping at this reserve. Treasure this place – take your rubbish with you.

Fishing at Lake Ōkataina
This lake has limited spawning grounds, and the balance of trout is maintained by an annual liberation. An abundance of food, smelt, koura (crayfish), snails and bullies enable trout to reach trophy size in a short time.
A boat is necessary for fishing, although during the winter spawning runs wonderful fly fishing is available along the beach in front of Ōkataina Lodge.
Stop the spread of freshwater pests
If you're heading out on the boat, please check the restrictions around boat cleaning to help us stop the spread of freshwater pests in our waterways. This includes the invasive freshwater golden clam.