Planning Applications, Brochures & Guides
If you think you need, or are in the process of applying for, a resource consent, you can use these resources to help with your application.
Planning checklists
Plan Change 9
Lakes A Zone
Request for pre-application advice
Rotorua Lakes Council would like to encourage good development outcomes. We believe that this can be achieved by engaging with developers during the early stages of the development process prior to lodging an application with Council. Council planning staff can arrange a pre-application meeting on request where the developer can discuss a proposal with key staff members.
How to email your resource consent application
You can lodge your application electronically by emailing us your resource consent application to
File requirements
- Files must be in PDF or PDF/A format
- A minimum of 300 DPI
- In colour where possible
- Email is limited to 140MB in size so multiple emails may be required for large applications. Bundle over trusted file transfer may be possible.
What to include in your application
Attach separate files for the following:
- Application form and checklist
- Application Report
- Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE)
- Individual supporting technical reports
- Plans (including survey plans)
- Affected parties
- Other supporting documents.
- Appendices
Guidelines for use of the Planning Inbox
- Lodging of new consents only, including land use and subdivision applications, variations, objections, extension of time, s226, s348 LGA applications, s223 and s224, Planning Certificates
- Correspondence to do with the processing of a consent already lodged is to be sent directly and only to the Planner processing the application, ie for RFI’s.
General brochures
In addition to Council's brochures, Ministry for the Environment (MFE) has a series of guides in their Everyday Guide to the Resource Management Act Series'. You can get these from MFE's website below.