What is being proposed?
He aha e marohitia ana?
There have been many developments to Kuirau Park over recent years, progressively adding more value for the community.
With the success of the Rotary Market and the need for expansion, a new market space was constructed at the corner of Kuirau Park where it meets Pukuatua Street. The new space helps to enable more stallholders to be included and provide space for entertainment while the market is operating. As part of this development a new basketball court was also installed next to the new market space. Bio-retention gardens were installed to filter stormwater/run-off through a layer of vegetation. As the stormwater filters through, pollutants (such as nitrogen and Phosphorus) are filtered out and absorbed by the garden beds and plants.
Features considered within the wider long-term plan include the construction of a new children’s water play area, a new outdoor community gathering area next to the water play area and new toilets and changing room facilities. Work will also be done to improve the visitor experience of the geothermal features and cultural history of the Park through the addition of signage and story-telling.
All improvements will be accompanied by progressive improvements to the Park’s existing facilities, gardens, lighting and planting.
Rotorua skate park development
During the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan consultation Council signalled to the community that the inner-city skate park could be incorporated into the overall design for Kuirau Park upgrades. Kuirau Park was identified as an ideal location for a new skate park due to its proximity to the CBD and the provision of facilities to support the space (i.e. toilets and parking areas) already established within the Park.
Once approved, the Plan provided funding of $750,00 0 to further investigate the location and design of the new skate facility within Kuirau Park. Part of that funding was used to enable a series of geotechnical tests which have provided assurance that Kuirau Park will be suitable to construct the new skate park.
Click the link below to read more about the consultation and proposed new Kuirau Park skate park.
Rotorua Skate Park Re-development – links to Let’s Talk | Kōrero mai website