Sent: Monday, 3 February 2025 4:56 pm
Subject: LGOIMA request - Lake Tarawera - Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group
I refer to your LGOIMA request of 20 December 2024 regarding Lake Tarawera and the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group.
As advised on 14 January 2025, questions 3-6 have been transferred to Bay of Plenty Regional Council (BOPRC). BOPRC will respond to these points direct.
Below are Rotorua Lakes Council’s responses to questions 1, 2 and 7:
1. What was the optimal funding mix for the estimated $15.9m-$19m funds required to finance the Tarawera Sewerage Scheme, that the working party was assessing as per the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Meeting minutes 15th June 2018?
As advised on 18 December 2024, the Steering Group (working party) did not propose an optimal funding mix.
2. Did Rotorua District Council support the additional minor amendments to the Rotorua Te Arawa Strategy Group's Terms of Reference in Rotorua District Council meeting 25th October 2018?
The following extract is from the minutes of the Council meeting of 25 October 2018:
1. That the report “Amendments to Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group greement and terms of reference’ be received. Cr Maxwell/Cr Gould
Further resolved:
2. That Council supports the following amendment to the Rotorua Te Arawa Strategy Group Agreement: 2. Membership: The membership of the Group shall comprise of six members: 2.1 Two members of the Te Arawa Lakes Trust Entity appointed by that entity one of whom is a governance member and one of whom is a senior executive; and 2.2 Two members of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council appointed by that Council, one of whom is the Chairperson of that Council; and 2.3 Two members of the Rotorua Lakes Council appointed by that Council, one of whom is the Mayor of that Council; 2.4 Plus one Independent Chairperson appointed by the members for a three year term in alignment with the Local Government triennium. 3. That Council supports the additional minor amendments to the Rotorua Te Arawa Strategy Group’s Terms of Reference. |
Cr Sturt/Cr Donaldson
3. Did the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group discuss the need for RTLSAG's Terms of Reference to remain cognisant of changing environmental issues show impacts should be considered and included in the Strategy Group's function? Did this include Lake Tarawera as a priority lake?
Transferred to BOPRC.
4. Was the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Agreement amended on 2nd November 2018?
Transferred to BOPRC.
5. Did the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Agreement amended on 2nd November 2018, contain the following clauses under
4. Functions;
4.9 Respond to declining water quality in all Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes by pursuing appropriate intervention and funding to respond. This may include lakes not currently funded by Deed funding eg. Tarawera.
Transferred to BOPRC.
6. Did the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Agreement amended on 2nd November 2018 contain the following clause under 8. Amendments to this agreement;
8.1 This agreement may be amended with the consent of each of the Organisations of the Group.
The Tarawera Sewage Steering Committee has secured the funding from the Government's Freshwater Improvement Fund. However, further funding will need to be secured to enable the scheme to go ahead and the Committee is currently pursuing this. The planning process of the Scheme has continued in anticipation of further funds becoming available.
Transferred to BOPRC.
7. Who made the decision to proceed with the Lake Tarawera Sewerage scheme, without securing funding first, as specified as being necessary to enable the scheme to go ahead in the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Strategy Group Annual Report 2018?
Rotorua Lakes Council made the decision to continue with the Lake Tarawera Sewerage Scheme following the Minister’s confirmation of the $6.5m funding support from the Freshwater Funds (not Deed funding) in August 2022.