Sent: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 3:34 pm
Subject: LGOMIA- 31 Ngongotaha Road Subdivision
I refer to your LGOIMA request of 18 December 2024 regarding the subdivision at 31 Ngongotaha Road, and respond to your queries below:
1. How many homes in stage one will be built for housing NZ (HUD) under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Watchman Residential
2. How many homes in the total subdivision will be built for Housing NZ (HUD) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Watchman Residential
RLC is not a party to the MOU between the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MHUD) and Watchman Capital. This information would need to be requested from MHUD.
3. Will there be container homes be going in this subdivision? Similar to the ones Maxion built in Malfory subdivision and similar to the ones they built in Sandringham development (link attached) - Kingsway Avenue, Sandringham - Welcome to Maxion Building Services
4. How many homes in the total subdivision will be:
1 bedroom?
2 bedroom?
3 bedroom?
4 bedroom?
The following has been consented under stages 1A-D (further consents will be required for future stages):
1 bed – 42
2 bed – 40
3 bed – 112
4 bed – 8
5. Could I please have a copy of all resource consent applications and decisions (including plans)
The resource consent was considered through the fast-track consenting process with the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
Full details on this project’s application and decision can be found on the EPA website HERE.
6. How much land will become council land:
Consented under stage 1 (further consents will be required for further stages)
- Park & Reserves? 1,978m2 (approx)
- Drainage/ Storm water reserve? 39,747m2 (approx)