Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 4:45 PM
Subject: Information request - Rainbow Storytime
I refer to your further information request of 30 March 2024 regarding Rainbow Storytime, and respond to your questions below:
1. Friends of the Library - how is this funded? Do they receive funding from ratepayers? Please provide a breakdown of their funding sources and amounts for the year up to 30 March 2024.
Friends of Rotorua Library (FORL) is a registered incorporated society who receive their funding from sales of second-hand books and magazines donated by the public including withdrawn books from the Library. Here is link to an overview Friends of Rotorua Library - Rotorua Library, Te Aka Mauri
FORL are not ratepayer funded. Rotorua Library make applications to FORL for funding for various activities and materials to support a variety of Library programmes, events and improvements to customer service. Council does not hold the financial information for FORL. Your request will need to be directed to Friends of Rotorua Library (refer to above link).
2. I have read claims that the Rainbow storytime group was either paid or going to be paid for the cancellation. Is this true, has there been a change in that outcome? And how much?
Due to the fact that council staff cancelled the event within 24 hours of delivery, we are honouring the invoice and council is in the process of making payment to Rainbow Storytime. As the decision to cancel was a staff decision, we have advised FORL that we do not expect to use their funding for this payment. The invoice is $600 plus GST.