Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 3:31 PM
Subject: Official Information request - conflicts of interest / sensitive expenditure policy / pecuniary interest / Ngati Whakaue Gifted Lands Protocol Committee
I refer to your Official Information request of 11 February 2024 regarding the above, and provide the following responses to your questions:
1. Please provide a copy of the declared Conflict of Interests by the Council Management Team
Attached is the Pecuniary Interest Register for the Executive Team (PDF 155KB). Below is an extract from the Staff Conflict of Interest Register:
Updated 26 September 2023
Interim Chief Executive
| Partner David Tapsell is a trustee of Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust and Ngāti Whakaue Tribal Lands. All engagement and decision-making regarding Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust and Ngāti Whakaue Tribal Lands has been delegated to the Group Manager, Community & District Development.
Interim Chief Executive
| Trustee and sole shareholder of Century Drilling & Energy Services Ltd. All decision-making regarding Century Drilling & Energy Services Ltd has been delegated to the Group Manager, Corporate Services.
2. Please provide any management team employee guide/policy/procedure related to and/or dealing with ethnical conduct, corruption, bribery, gifts, whistleblowing etc.
Attached are the Protected Disclosures Policy and Sensitive Expenditure Policy for staff (PDF 2.3MB)
3. Please provide a copy of the gift register for both elected and unelected officials for this triennium and the previous triennium.
No gifts have been registered by elected officials or staff for this triennium or the previous triennium.
4. Please provide the completed declaration of interest form from each elected member from the most recent and immediately prior 6-month update.
Attached are the Elected Members Pecuniary Interest Registers as at 31 October and 10 February 2023.
Elected Members Pecuniary Interest Register as at 31 October 2023 (PDF 108KB)
Elected Members Pecuniary Interest Register as at 10 February 2023 (PDF 239KB)
5. Have any elected members declared any concern or interest in council contracts which made by or on behalf of council exceed $25,000 in any financial year.
If so, can you please provide that information.
If not, can you provide the declaration by the elected members stating that.
This is not required unless an elected member has declared an interest in a council contract.
6. Provide the total amounts paid annually for the last 6 years to the below companies represented on the Ngāti Whakaue Gifted Reserves Protocol Committee:
Pukeroa Oruawhata Lakefront Investments Limited
Pukeroa Lakefront Holdings Limited
Pukeroa Oruawhata Holdings Limited
Pukeroa Property Management Limited
Pukeroa Oruawhata Trustee Services Limited
Pukeroa Properties (No.2) Limited (1536890)
Pukeroa Properties Limited
Below are the payments to these companies for the last 6