Official Information Request - Hannah's Bay boat ramp and other ramps
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2024 6:10 AM
Subject: Secret Protocol Meetings
Kia Ora,
Wanting to lodge a OIA Request please,
The council and its Protocol Committee; can I be provided with the agenda, Minutes, who attended as well as how long these meetings have happened ?
When did the council create the Protocol Committee?
Can other people have direct secret access to council or is that only for Pukeroa ?
In between 2006-2009 Malcom Short wanted the lakefront development to happen and was mentioned can I be sent information regarding this. It happened at council.
Can I be sent any / all I formation regarding Pukeroa oruwhata involvement with Rotoeua Lakes Council and any/all co flicks of interest .
How many conflicts of interest have the council allowed and ignored to ensure secret meetings continue.
I would like any and all information that the council has sent or recieved from Pukeroa Oruwhata that is publicly available regarding any committees or meetings. Any phone calls text messages emails, media releases in relation to POT requesting council address any issues etc.
The acting CEO of council is apparently dating a Pukeroa Oruwhata board member how is that not a conflict of interest for the Acting CEO dating someone who is on the Protocol Committee. So many secrets this council hides. Is that allowed?
Does the acting CEO at council and the Pukeroa Oruwhata board have any conflicts of interest considering they have their own secret Committee with the Mayor.
Will the council continue to have secret meetings and committees hidden from the public while it's advertises in the media they are transparent?
Can the council be honest about all the secret meetings and committees and support Rotorua as a total instead of only representing the few selected into its secret circles.