Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 3:55 PM
Subject: Official Information request - Ombudsman's report/councillors code of conduct/staffing/senior leadership/contractors
I refer to your information request of 10 December 2023 regarding the Ombudsman's report/councillors code of conduct/staffing/senior leadership/contractors. Your request has been processed under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.
Please find responses to your various questions below.
Topic A - Ombudsman's report 'Open for Business' dated October 2023
- What steps has your territorial authority taken in regards to the Ombudsman's report?
- What actions/motions have been passed by your territorial authority in response to the Ombudsman's report?
- What steps are still under consideration?
- What has or will the total cost been of any changes?
Please refer to an earlier
LGOIMA response
on Council's website for steps Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC) has
undertaken as a result of the Ombudsman’s Report. No motions have been
passed by RLC at committee/council meetings regarding the Ombudsman’s
report. RLC has not incurred specific costs to implement changes as these
changes have been undertaken as part of Council’s normal business.
Topic B - costs relating to councillors interactions
- How much has your territorial authority budgeted in each of the last 3 years for any costs related to councilor conduct. This could include individual conduct or between other councillors, mayor/chair or Chief Executive. This may include mediation, legal fees, legal investigations and similar.
Council does not budget for costs related to councillor conduct. - How much has your territorial
authority spent in each of the last 3 financial
years for any costs related to councillor conduct. This could include individual conduct or between other councillors, mayor/chair or Chief
Executive. This may include
mediation, legal fees, legal
investigations and similar.
2020/21 – $1,419
2021/22 – Nil
2022/23 – Nil
Topic C - staffing numbers
The following numbers are as at 22 January 2024
- What is the full FTE staff number if your territorial authority was fully staffed?
430.65 - What is your current FTE staff number employed?
376.40 - What percentage of full FTE staff required is currently vacant?
12.6% - What percentage of the vacant positions are not being actively recruited to fill. Eg what percentage are currently remaining vacant?
7.49% - What effect will these vacancies have on the services your territorial authority delivers / can deliver?
For the roles that are not currently being recruited for, this places additional pressure on existing staff and delivery of some services may be delayed.
Topic D - senior leadership
- Has your Chief Executive resigned, or a new CE been appointed in the last 3 years?
Yes. Current Chief Executive retired in September 2023. New Chief Executive has been appointed and commences 11 March 2024. - How many of your Tier Two leaders resigned, or a new leader been appointed in the last 3 years?
One new position on Executive Team (tier 2) filled by an existing staff member (2021).
One resignation with role not replaced (2022).
One resignation with role not replaced (2023). - Have your territorial authority had a staff restructure implemented, considered by senior leadership or consulted in in the last 3 years. This includes a restructure of the whole territorial authority, or one or more department.
Topic E – contractors
- How much was budgeted by your territorial authority in each of the last 3 years for external contractors?
2023: $32,427,117 2022: $30,820,352 2021: $26,371,656 - How much was the budgeted amount as a percentage of total income for each of the last three years?
2023: 17% 2022: 17%2021: 16% - How much was spent by your territorial authority in each of the last 3 years for external contractors?2023: $36,481,645
2022: $32,338,702
2021: $26,947,160 - How much was the amount spent on contractors as a percentage of total income for each of the last three years?
2023: 22%
2022: 19%
2021: 19% - Is your territorial authority's spend on contractors expected to increase this year because of staffing shortages.
Council does not specifically budget to supplant
staff shortages with contractors.
- Could the services contracted for be hired directly under the territorial authority?
Council engages contractors for a number of reasons, especially where it is not practical or cost efficient to hire full-time staff directly. - What were the three companies, receiving the highest contractors spend in the last year?
1 - Trility Rotorua Ltd
2 - Fulton Hogan BOP Ltd
3 - Infracore