Official Information Request - staff engagement survey
Sent: Tuesday, 21 November 2023 2:00 pm
Subject: LGOIMA - staff engagement survey
I refer to your LGOIMA request of 15 November 2023 regarding the staff engagement survey, and provide the below response in answer to all your questions.
- What prompted the survey?
- How long did it run for?
- How many responses were received?
- What happens with the results? (How will they be used?)
- Has there been any action, decision or consequence to the results, and if so what were they?
Rotorua Lakes Council undertakes a staff engagement survey every 2-3 years to assess the culture of the organisation. This survey will be running until 24 November and as at 20 November, 57% of staff have responded. The data will be analysed and a report issued for the Executive to consider.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response/decision. The Ombudsman’s Office can be contacted by calling 0800 802 602, emailing, online at, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters’ personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on
Oonagh Hopkins Manahautū Whaitua Tūtahi | Deputy CE, District Leadership & Democracy |