Official Information Request - Lakefront maintenance
Sent: Friday, 2 September 2022 2:02 pm
Subject: LGOIMA request - Lakefront maintenance
I refer to your information request of 24 August 2022 regarding the lakefront maintenance/ongoing costs. Your request was processed under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (Act).
Below is a response to each of your queries:
Can you please tell me what was the yearly cost of maintaining the old lakefront?
Pre-construction the amount budgeted for “Parks” related lakefront maintenance was $210k. This was for mowing, gardens and work on park structures like seats, BBQ’s, boatramp and the toilet cleaning. This did not include litter and cobble cleaning, or lake weed removal. These formed part of the “City Clean” contract with Infracore which included all of the CBD and the lakefront.
What is the estimated cost of maintaining the redeveloped lakefront?
The estimated annual costs for “parks” related lakefront maintenance will be $332,500. This includes all mowing and garden work, structures, playgrounds, boat ramp and toilet blocks. It also includes cleaning of all of the hard surfaces that have replaced the previous cobbled area. It does not include weed clearance that varies each year and costs are shared with BOPRC.
Does that include the playground maintenance?
Does that include cost of weed harvesting and if not how much will weed harvesting cost each year?
The above cost does not include weed clearing. Last year the weed clearing cost to RLC was $49,330 as there were two large weed stranding events. In the previous year it was $2,200, and the year before $850
How many tonnes of CO2 have been emitted so far in the new lakefront and boardwalk construction including emissions from concrete, diesel, steel and importing rainforest timber?
Council does not hold this information therefore this part of your request cannot be answered as per section 17(e) of the Act ‘the information does not exist’.
How much does council pay iwi owners each year in rental for the boardwalk on the lake?
$10,000 per year for 50 years, CPI adjusted every 3 years.
Was the iwi paid out for the purchase of land when the lakefront was altered and if so how much?
No, there was no purchase of any land as part of this redevelopment project.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. The Ombudsman’s Office can be contacted by calling 0800 802 602, emailing, online at, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters’ personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on
Craig Tiriana Manahautū Te Tira Hautū | Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive’s Group |