Official Information Request - reserve revocation voting
COUNCIL – 26 MAY 2022
- That the following recommendations of the Operations & Monitoring Committee meeting held 5 May 2022 be adopted:
Cr Tapsell signalled to move a motion.
Cr Tapsell moved the following motion and Cr Kumar seconded:-
1. That the Council notes that the reserves or part reserves for possible revocation and disposal have been identified using the levels of service identified in the Council’s approved Open Spaces Level of Service Policy and the following criteria:
- There is excess reserve provision in the area;
- There is no clear purpose for or function of the reserve;
- The size of reserve significantly exceeds the minimum size identified in the Open Spaces Level of Service Policy and could be reduced without compromising recreation or open space values;
- The provision of housing on part of the reserve would improve the safety and use of the reserve;
- There are no viable options to improve the reserve to meet level of service standard.
2. That the Council notes the significant housing deficit that exists in the Rotorua urban area (identified in the Housing and Business Capacity Assessment (HBA)), the below average number of transitional and public homes available in Rotorua and significant emergency housing problems.
3.That the Council approve that consultation with neighbours of all reserves proposed and the wider community be undertaken through the distribution of a Statement of Proposal (SOP) document inviting written feedback, for a period of 4 weeks, on the proposals detailed below. That the feedback be used to inform Council’s decisions on:
- Whether or not to proceed with the revocation and disposal of any reserve or part reserve
- The legal method for revocation and disposal (i.e. Local Bill or existing Reserves Act process);
- The reserves to be developed or enhanced with funds received from the proceeds of the disposal;
- Any conditions to be applied to housing development by the purchaser.
4. That the Council approve that the following reserves (two full reserves and eight parts of reserves) be proposed for revocation and disposal in the Statement of Proposal:
- Lee Road Reserve
- Coulter Road Reserve (part only)
- High Street Reserve (part only)
- Glenholme Reserve - 117 Clinkard Avenue (part only)
- Gallagher Street Reserve
- Linton Park West – 16 Kamahi Road (part only)
- Wrigley Road Reserve (part only)
- Turner Drive Reserve (part only)
- Park Road Reserve (part only)
- Steeles Lane Reserve (part only)
5. That the Council notes the Statement of Proposal identifies in-principle the preferred legal method for revocation and disposal of reserves be through a Local Bill and notes that all proceeds of land sales will be re-invested in improvements to existing reserves or the purchase of new reserves.
6. That the Council notes that it includes within the Statement of Proposal, that it supports in-principle, a direct sale to Kāinga Ora of the following reserves (or parts of Reserves):
- Lee Road Reserve
- Coulter Road Reserve (part only)
- High Street Reserve (part only)
- Glenholme Reserve - 117 Clinkard Avenue (part only)
- Turner Drive Reserve (part only)
- Steeles Lane Reserve (part only)
- And that the sale of those reserves to Kāinga Ora be conditional on:
- a. Kāinga Ora and Council reaching agreement on the value of the identified sites; and
- b. Kāinga Ora committing to providing mixed model housing developments that includes a mix of social housing and progressive home ownership models and market sale; and
- c. Kāinga Ora committing to delivering housing on the identified sites within two years.
7. That the Council notes, subject to consultation, that remaining identified reserves (or parts of reserves) be sold via market sale or directly to a community housing provider where appropriate, conditional on the purchaser committing to delivering housing within two years.
Moved: Cr Donaldson
Seconded: Cr Raukawa-Tait
A division was called:
FOR - Mayor Chadwick, Cr Donaldson, Cr Maxwell, Cr Raukawa-Tait, Cr Yates (5)
AGAINST - Cr Tapsell, Cr Kumar, Cr Wang, Cr Macpherson, Cr Kai Fong (5)
CASTING VOTE FOR: Mayor Chadwick
The Strategy Policy & Finance Committee on 11 August 2022 considered a report titled ‘Deliberations and Recommendations on the Proposal for the Revocation and Disposal of Identified Reserves’. The recommendations from this report will be considered at the Council meeting to be held on 25 August 2022.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. The Ombudsman’s Office can be contacted by calling 0800 802 602, emailing, online at, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
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Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters’ personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on
Craig Tiriana Manahautū Te Tira Hautū | Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive’s Group |