Official Information Request - Illegal Vegetation
Sent: Friday, 3 September 2021 10:03 am
Subject: LGOIMA request - illegal vegetation clearance
I refer to your Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request of 27 July 2021 for the number of cases of illegal vegetation clearance dealt with by Council between 1 January 2016 and 27 July 2021.
Below is the information requested in table format. Council does not record the area of land cleared, therefore this information is not available.
Date | Rule | Findings | Action taken | Job Ref # |
28-01-16 | n/a | Complied with District Plan | None | 490 |
10-03-16 | Resource Consent | Breach of conditions | Referred to Council planners | 516 |
25-07-16 | n/a | Complied with District Plan | Referred customer to Regional Council re: riparian planting. | 596 |
17-10-16 | n/a | Complied with District Plan | Voluntary re-planting undertaken. | 622 |
30-11-16 | n/a | Complied with District Plan | Site inspection. | 11 |
07-02-17 | D.5.4.1 Lakes A Zone | Breach of District Plan | Retrospective Resource Consent. | 663 |
09-05-17 | Resource Consent | Breach of Consent | Replanting undertaken | 707 |
09-03-17 | Resource Consent | Complies with conditions | None | 709 |
14-08-17 | n/a | Compliant with District Plan | None | 552431 |
14-08-17 | n/a | Complies with District Plan | None | 738 |
13-08-20 | Lakes A Zone | Breach of District Plan | Replanting undertaken | 523393 |
09/09/20 | n/a | Complied with District Plan | None | 527357 |
24/11/20 | D.5.4.1 Lakes A Zone | Breach of District Plan | Retrospective Resource Consent. | 538994 |
23/03/21 | n/a | Complies with district plan | None | 557957 |
- For the purposes of this LGOIMA, we have included vegetation disturbance and/or clearance including where earthworks have been undertaken that resulting in vegetation clearance/disturbance. This provides a more comprehensive view of complaints involving vegetation clearance in the District as the two are often linked. Specific rules have only been included as a reference where a confirmed breach has resulted. The remainder were compliant with the relevant requirements.
- The RMA is the overarching legislation that requires councils to create a District Plan. All breaches therefore relate to District Plan rules and/or Resource Consent conditions which are the elements that we monitor/enforce as a Local Authority.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters’ personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on .
Craig TirianaManahautū Te Tira Hautū| Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive’s Group |