Official Information Request - Class 4 Gaming Sector
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2021 8:45 am
Subject: Information request - Class 4 gaming sector funding
I refer to your information request of 1 July 2021 for:
- How much money has the council, or any of its affiliates for which the council is a shareholder, received as an applicant for grants in the last 2 financial years?
- If funds were received, what were they used for? And what societies did they come from?
- How much money in total has the council, or any of its affiliates for which the council is a shareholder, applied for from societies in the past 2 financial years?
Please find attached the requested information for Rotorua Lakes Council showing:
- Fund applied to
- Fund usage/initiative
- Date application sent to funder
- Amount applied for
- Amount received to date
Rotorua Lakes Council’s CCOs did not apply for any Class 4 gaming sector funding.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters’ personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on .
Craig TirianaManahautū Te Tira Hautū| Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive’s Group |