Official Information Request - New Rubbish Collection Scheme
Sent: Friday, 10 June 2016 3:15 p.m.
Subject: Information request - rubbish collection
I refer to your email of 4 June which contained various questions regarding the new rubbish collection scheme. Below are the responses to your questions:
- The cost of paper bags as against one delivery of bins to each household?
The current average annual cost of paper bags is $850,000. Over the term of a 15 year contract the cost of purchasing paper bags is $12,750,000. The corresponding cost of supplying 2 wheelie bins and a crate for each household for the same period is just over $3,000,000. - The cost and running cost of 1 truck and 1 driver as against the running cost of 1 driver?
This is not relevant to Rotorua Lakes Council as we are purchasing a service at a set cost. All truck and labour costs are incurred by the service company. - What will happen to the runners of the current truck, will they be re-employed within the council?
There are about 8 such employees. Some of them are on fixed term employment contracts expiring with the new contract term, some will be re-employed by Council for other activities others will seek employment in the industry. - What will happen to the bins that tip over in the street, either by the truck or the weather, who picks them up to
save them being a hazard to other road users (or does the driver have to get out)?
The collection contract requires the contractor to collect spilled waste contents within a radius of 10 metres from the position of the bin. Ongoing education of users will assist in the positioning of the bins and in achieving significantly less spillages to the current situation where paper bags get wet or damaged by animals.
On your website it was stated that people in Rotorua want this, who are those people?
Council has received submissions to its Long-term Plans and Annual Plans over a number of years requesting
kerbside recycling. In 2015 a Waste Strategy was developed which provided an assessment of the current situation,
and identified issues and options around the collection, recycling and disposal of waste. This Waste Strategy was
released for public consultation through the Long-term Plan consultation process. Of the 116 submissions to the
Waste Strategy, 72 supported a kerbside collection service with the majority supporting using wheelie bins. The
Waste Strategy was subsequently adopted by Council which included the use of wheelie bins for general recycling
and household rubbish, and a crate for glass recycling.
Under legislation we are obliged to advise that if you have any concerns with the adequacy of our response you may contact the Ombudsman by writing to:
The Office of the Ombudsman
P O Box 10 152
Or alternatively by email to
Jean-Paul Gaston Group Manager, Strategy and Partnerships
P: 07 351 8302 | M: 0276554415
E: | W:
A: 1061 Haupapa St, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand