Official Information Request - Grandstands
Sent: Wednesday, 6 July 2016 4:17 p.m.
Subject: TRIM: Enquiry about grandstands [#183BCJ]
I refer to your email of 14 June 2016 requesting information on grandstands in the Rotorua Lakes Council area, and respond to your questions below:
Community name: Rotorua District Council
Community type/size (eg rural, small town, metropolitan): City
Owned by (eg Council, private): Council
Age/date of construction: 1970 original – updated 2000
Construction materials: Reinforced concrete
Construction style: Concrete seating with roof, corporate rooms on the top floor (second floor), takeaway food facilities in the middle (first floor), changing rooms and associated facilities underneath on the ground floor
Built by:
Bay of Plenty Rugby Union (Commissioned)
City of Rotorua Engineers Department (1966 Concept Sketches)
Murray North (Architects/Engineers 1970)
Bay of Plenty Referees Union (Social and Meeting Room Upgrade – 1977)
Martin McCaulay Morton (Architects/Engineers 1993 Grandstand Addition)
Martin McCaulay Morton (Architects/Engineers 1993 Grandstand Addition)
EJ Connolly and Associates (Architects 2000 Improvements)
Martin McCaulay Morton (Engineers 2000 Improvements)
How many does it seat?: 5200
Current use (eg shows, sporting fixtures, function centre etc): Sporting, concerts, tenants
Heritage listed?: No
Any interesting history?:
Hosted rugby Lions tours (1977, 2005, 2017), Rugby World Cups (1984, 2011)
Nick name is “The Hangi Pit”
Under legislation we are obliged to advise that if you have any concerns with the adequacy of our response you may contact the Ombudsman by writing to:
The Office of the Ombudsman
P O Box 10 152
Or alternatively by email to
Jean-Paul Gaston Group Manager, Strategy and Partnerships
P: 07 351 8302 | M: 0276554415
E: | W:
A: 1061 Haupapa St, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand