Official Information Request - Unpaid Rates
Subject: Reply to LGOIMA request - rates information
I refer to your information request of 21 March 2016 and provide the following information:
How much is owed to the Rotorua Lakes Council in unpaid rates as at the end of the 2015 rating year and how does this compare to the previous five years
(broken down by year please).
30.6.15 $4,286,994
30.6.14 $4,015,138
30.6.13 $4,288,420
30.6.12 $4,245,572
30.6.11 $4,297,175
30.6.10 $4,555,928
How much is owed to the end of February 2016?
$4,801,680. This is comparable with the previous years’ amount at the same time of the year. Collection trend is on target to compare favourably with
previous financial year end result.
How many properties does this relate to?
2,905 owe an amount greater than $50
What is the most owed on one single property and how far do those rates date back?
$57,979 as from 1.7.12.
How many property owners has the council taken action against for unpaid rates?
All properties have some form of action. Initially this is by letter to try to secure payment amicably. If this fails then we exercise more forceful collection
options available to us e.g. formal demand on mortgagee or legal action through the courts.
What has this action involved?
57 currently under legal action.
1,118 were notified to the mortgagees as required by rating legislation. Most of these were paid by the ratepayers or mortgagees without the need for
further action. Only 2 of these remain outstanding and are expected to be collected.
How many properties have been sold because of unpaid rates in the past five years and how much has that earned the council (broken down by year)?
None sold
Under legislation we are obliged to advise that if you have any concerns with the adequacy of our response you may contact the Ombudsman by writing to:
The Office of the Ombudsman
P O Box 10 152
Or alternatively by email to Regards