Official Information Request - 2021 Ratepayers' Report
Sent: Friday, 14 May 2021 12:17 pm
Subject: 2021 Ratepayers' Report
I refer to your email of 3 May 2021 regarding information for the 2021 Ratepayers' Report. This information is provided below.
2019/20 year - GST inclusive
1. Average residential costs:
The average residential costs of rates and other Council charges, where average residential costs = (X + Y)/Z
X is the total of all rates (general and targeted) charged by the Council to residential rating units;
Y is the total amount of user charges or levies applicable to residential rating units (for example charges relating to metered water, infrastructure contributions, refuse collection, fire protection etc.); and
Z is the number of residential rating units (however defined by the Council) within the Council's district or city. If the Council does not have a classification for residential, please use the closest definition (such as urban).
X = 50,590,275
Y = 0
Z = 18,781
Therefore (50,590,275 + 0) / 18,781 = average residential rates $2,694
2. Average non-residential costs
The average non-residential costs of rates and other Council charges, where average non-residential costs = (X + Y) / Z.
X is the total of all rates (general and targeted) charged by the Council to rating units except those defined as residential*;
Y is the total amount of user charges or levies applicable to rating units except those defined as residential* (for example, charges related to metered water, infrastructure contributions, refuse collection, fire protection etc); and
Z is the number of rating units except those defined as residential* (however defined by the Council) within the Council's district or city. If the Council does not have a classification for non-residential, please use the closest definition (such as commercial).
Please do not include Council charges that are not part of the rates demand (for example, retail sales of Council rubbish bags).
X = 56,229,888
Y = 0 (metered water total unavailable)
Z = 9,872
Therefore (56,229,888 + 0) / 9,872 = average non-residential rates $5,696
Note: In compiling the 2019/20 information we have discovered an error in the 2018/19 information provided. The number of non residential rating units provided for the 2018/19 report (10,242) was incorrect. This should have been 9,749, with a subsequent average non-residential rate of $5,441 for 2018/19 (not $5,178.99 as reported previously).
3. Personnel
a. The total number of staff dismissed due to poor performance. 0
b. If applicable, the FTE number of staff employed by council-controlled organisations.
179.6 (Infracore Ltd, Rotorua Regional Airport Ltd, Rotorua Economic Development Ltd)
c. The total number of staff including those employed by council-controlled organisations receiving remuneration in excess of $100,000.
(100,000 - $199,000)
84 (including Rotorua Lakes Council and three CCOs - Infracore Ltd, Rotorua Regional Airport Ltd, Rotorua Economic Development Ltd)
d. The total number of staff including those employed by council-controlled organisations receiving remuneration in excess of $200,000.
10 (including Rotorua Lakes Council and three CCOs - Infracore Ltd, Rotorua Regional Airport Ltd, Rotorua Economic Development Ltd)
4. Audit and Risk Oversight
How many members are on the Council's Audit and Risk Committee (or equivalent)? 7
Does the Council have independent members on the Committee? Yes
Is the Chair of the Committee an independent member? Yes
Does the Council have a lawyer (with a current practising certificate) on the Committee? No
Does the Council have an accountant (with a current practising certificate) on the Committee? Yes
Does the Council have a code of conduct requiring political neutrality from Council staff? Yes
5. Payments to third parties
a. The total payments made by the Council (or any council-controlled organisation) to any Chamber of Commerce, including GST.
$15,690 (including Rotorua Lakes Council and three CCOs - Infracore Ltd, Rotorua Regional Airport Ltd, Rotorua Economic Development Ltd)
b. The total payments made by the Council (or any council-controlled organisation) to Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ), including GST.
$68,731 (Rotorua Lakes Council only - not applicable for CCOs)
c. The total payments made by the Council (or any council-controlled organisation) to the New Zealand Society of Local Government Managers (SOLGM), including GST.
$44,451 (Rotorua Lakes Council only - not applicable for CCOs)
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at or freephone 0800 802 602.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters' personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on .
Craig Tiriana Kaihautū - Ohu Toihautū | Deputy Chief Executive, Chief Executive's Group |