Official Information Request - Tarawera Wastewater (Sewerage)
Sent: Monday, 22 February 2021 12:01 pm
Subject: Official Information Request - Tarawera Sewerage Scheme
I refer to your online Official Information request of 12 February 2021 for various information concerning the proposed Tarawera Wastewater (Sewerage) Reticulation Scheme, and respond below as per your request:
Documents/reports relating to the Council's decision to require lump sum payments from Tarawera's residents for the proposed system.
Attached is:
- Report to the Strategy Policy & Finance Committee of 12 November 2020
- Extract from minutes of Strategy Policy & Finance Committee of 12 November 2020(named 'Tarawera Waste Water Reticulation Scheme')
The cost to Lake Okareka residents for the installation of the reticulated sewerage system and the options they had to pay for the installation
Attached is documentation from 2009/2010 regarding funding of the Okareka sewerage scheme
(named 'Okareka sewerage scheme funding').
Responses to the following questions were provided by RLC and BOPRC.
A copy of the last Lake Okareka water quality report dated pre installation of reticulated sewage system.
A copy of the most recent Lake Okareka water quality report.
The most up to date information regarding water quality at Lake Ōkāreka is shown in the attached Lake Statistics Fact Sheet 2019/20. This is the first year BOPRC have provided this information in a Dashboard format.
Historical information about water quality on the lakes can be found in the Annual Reports section (Annual Report Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Programme) of this link - You can compare the Annual Report information against this Dashboard. Earlier reports not included on the website can be requested from BOPRC.
In relation to the RLC letter sent to Tarawera Residents Doc NO: RDC-1094476 RLC states that septic tanks contribute to 15% of the "Manageable Load" of nitrogens and phosphorus in Lake Tarawera. Please provide any reports/documentation outlining RLC plans to address the other 85% of the "Manageable Load".
The water quality of Lake Tarawera is managed through the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes Programme (a partnership between Rotorua Lakes Council, Bay of Plenty Regional Council and Te Arawa Lakes Trust). That partnership have adopted the Tarawera Lakes Restoration Plan (attached) which sets out the actions for that catchment (8 lakes). All actions are underway or completed other than Sewerage Reticulation. There is also a lot of information at the link above in relation to this Plan, including minutes from the working party developing this plan. Following on from the Restoration Plan, Te Arawa Lakes Trust are launching a new project to drive collaboration in further protection for the lake with the community.
While sewerage reticulation is useful for reducing nutrient loads to the lake (15% of manageable load reference), arguably more important in reticulation is the removal of bacteriological contamination of the lake by septic tanks. E-coli, which can reach the lake from onsite disposal of wastewater, is harmful to human health and can mean that waterbodies no longer have bathing water quality. In terms of improvements to water quality, reticulated wastewater systems provide significant benefit. The attached report 'Modelling the impact of sewage reticulation on water quality of Lake Tarawera' contains the scientific analysis of the water quality benefits.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response. Complaints can be sent by email to, by fax to (04) 471 2254, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters' personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on .
Craig TirianaKaihautū - Ohu Toihautū| Manager, Chief Executive's Office Waea: 07 348 4199 | Waea pūkoro: 027 838 9961 Īmera: | Ipurangi: Taunga: 1061 Haupapa St, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand |