Official Information Request - 31 July 2020 (vegetation)
Sent: Monday, 28 September 2020 11:59 am
Subject: Official Information Request - unauthorised vegetation clearance
I refer to your Official Information request of 31 July 2020 regarding unauthorised vegetation clearance reported to council in the last 3 years. I apologise for the delay in reply. This has been necessitated by having to manually check the complaints register as a suitable report could not be run.
Council has received two complaints in the last three years that fit the criteria:
Complaint No. | Date | Vegetation type | Hectares | Response |
369721 | 14-Aug-17 | Exotic - undescribed | Unknown | Investigated, photos provided by Council staff working in road reserve where vegetation removal occurred. Removal was complaint. No further action needed. |
369731 | 14-Aug-17 | Exotic - Blue Spruce | 1x tree trimmed/topped | Contacted landowner. Facts around what had happened confirmed. Large exotic tree topped (no removal). No further action required as no breach. |
No breaches were identified through monitoring.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response. Complaints can be sent by email to, by fax to (04) 471 2254, or by post to The Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Publication of responses to LGOIMA requests
Please note: Our LGOIMA responses may be published on the Rotorua Lakes Council website after they have been responded to, with requesters' personal details withheld. If you have any concerns about this please contact the Council on .
Jean-Paul GastonManahautū Rautaki |Group Manager, Strategy Waea: 07 351 8302 | Waea pūkoro: 0276554415 Īmera: | Ipurangi: Taunga: 1061 Haupapa St, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand |