Official Information Request - 16 August 2018 (Stormwater)
Sent: Thursday, 16 August 2018 11:21 a.m.
Subject: TRIM: Official information request - Mamaku Village stormwater drains maintenance
I refer to your online official information request for maintenance logs covering the last 10 years for stormwater drains in Mamaku, especially Umuroa and Okoheriki Streets, and also a copy of stormwater drainage maintenance codes and compliance.
Attached is a schedule of jobs undertaken on stormwater drains in Mamaku as a result of notification to Council by either Council staff or members of the public. In addition to this work the maintenance contractor undertakes regular six monthly maintenance checks and drain spraying.
Also attached is the Rotorua District Council Stormwater Maintenance Manual for your information. Please note: The sections on streams are no longer applicable as streams are now maintained by Bay of Plenty Regional Council.
As per the Act, we are obliged to advise that you may contact the Ombudsman at the address below if you have any concerns with the response provided by Council, by writing to:
The Office of the Ombudsman
PO Box 10 152
Alternatively, you may email or use the online complaints form available at
Jean-Paul GastonGroup Manager, Strategy / Privacy Officer P: 07 351 8302 | M: 0276554415 E: | W: A: 1061 Haupapa St, Private Bag 3029, Rotorua Mail Centre, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand |