30 January 2025
Media Enquiries
Media: NewstalkZB
Topic: Police Operation Trolley
NewstalkZB requested an interview on air with Mayor Tania Tapsell
Here is a link to Mayor Tapsell’s interview
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Speed limit reversals
Reporter conducted a phone interview about the Government’s reversal of previous speed limit reductions
Mayor Tapsell made the following key points:
- Pleased to see Govt deliver on their promise to do this – there has been lots of feedback on previous Govt’s blanket approach to speed reductions
- Some reductions were positive from a safety perspective but not all of them were appropriate
- Good period for consultation on some of these changes – chance for communities to have their say
- Main reason for traffic incidents is driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol – would support more initiatives to improve safety in this area
- Was interesting to see Govt focused on increasing speed limits while places like Rotorua have missed out on funding for road safety improvements
- Will continue to advocate for this, especially for areas such as Waipa intersection – would be best to see safety improvements here before speed is increased again
- Distance for variable speeds around school needs a more tailored approach – this is where consultation is key – one size does not fit all – council has already invested in many road safety improvements around local schools