Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Community gardens and community funding
Follow-up questions to previous media enquiry regarding Community Gardens:
Can I please ask when the $12,000 was allocated for this project and through what programme?
What's the difference between the community matching fund and neighbourhood matching fund?
How has the funding available in these/this grant changed over the last five years and why
Since the $100,000 per year for the Neighbourhood Matching Fund was allocated in last year's ltp, what has been granted and to who, how much left til when?
Where does the money from the funds come from? I.e. is it debt, from rates etc
And just on the on-public-land gardens, can I please have a line as to what people can do if they want to get involved, or find those in charge of them etc?
How has the number of gardens changed over the last five years and why?
We provided the following information:
Hindu Council applied to the large round of the Community Matching Fund and funds were allocated in November 2024.
Re the difference between the community matching fund and neighbourhood matching fund: Name change only – it was formerly known as the Neighbourhood Matching Fund. Now called the Community Matching Fund.
Here is a link to the last five LTPs where you can find the information you are looking for [regarding community funding over last five years].
Re:Since the $100,000 per year for the Neighbourhood Matching Fund was allocated in last year's ltp, what has been granted and to who, how much left til when?: See attached document. Balance of $23,588.89 available until end of June 2025.
Regarding where the community funding money comes from: Rates.
Re how people can get involved with community gardens: If someone is interested in getting involved with māra kai on public reserves they can contact Rotorua Lakes Council on (07) 348 4199 or email and we can put them in touch with the relevant groups.
Note to reporter: There are two types of community garden. Those we know about and have agreements for on our reserves and those that we don’t where people are using private land.
Re: How has the number of gardens changed over the last five years and why?: Due to current workload constraints, we regret that we are unable to provide an immediate response to this inquiry. However, we have initiated the LGOIMA process to address your question, and you can expect to receive a comprehensive response within 20 working days.