12 September 2024
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Emergency housing
*NOTE: this request was sent to both Rotorua Lakes Council and MBIE
I've been hearing there has been a closure this week of emergency housing (or similar, like backpackers used as longer term accom) in Rotorua and subsequently there are 200 people who are now on the streets.
Am I able to please get confirmation the above is accurate to any degree and how so?
Has there been any council or mbie investigation or visit in the last week to any accommodation provider such as a motel or backpacker, and what was the purpose?
What did it result in?
Has there been any closure of such a premises in the last week and what are the details, including why, when and who was involved? What was the premises used for?
If there has been a closure, how many people would have needed to find alternative accommodation?
What help, if any, was provided for that?
From a Rotorua Lakes Council Spokesperson:
Am I able to please get confirmation the above is accurate to any degree and how so? No, the information you have received is not accurate.
Has there been any council or MBIE investigation or visit in the last week to any accommodation provider such as a motel or backpacker, and what was the purpose? Rotorua Lakes Council completed six resource consent condition checks and one building warrant of fitness audit last week. No issues were found and no further action was required.
Has there been any closure of such a premises in the last week and what are the details, including why, when and who was involved? What was the premises used for? No, not that we’re aware of.
If there has been a closure, how many people would have needed to find alternative accommodation? Not applicable.
What help, if any, was provided for that? Not applicable.
From Brett Wilson, National Manager – Tenancy Compliance and Investigations:
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) Tenancy Compliance and Investigations Team (TCIT) has not visited any accommodation providers in Rotorua in the last two weeks.
TCIT cannot issue a notice to close buildings as this is a matter for the Council, nor will TCIT ask tenants to leave a property.