9 April 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Dog attacks and roaming dogs
Re this post - https://www.facebook.com/RotoruaLakesCouncil/posts/2909982065707886
I'm interested in doing a story on this, filing tomorrow.
Has the council seen a spike in dog attacks? If so, could you please provide some figures on that (including comparative to before the lockdown please)
And / or if no figures available, perhaps some anecdotal reports on the issue - ie, what prompted the post?
Could I please also have some attributable comments on the issue too please? Around what you've said on the post?
Reporter later clarified: that should be a spike in dog attacks AND incidents of roaming etc - uncontrolled dogs more generally.
Please find comment below, as well as some figures relating to reports of dog attacks and roaming dogs before and during the lockdown period. I'll also send you a video of Dylan reinforcing these messages that you're welcome to use if you like.
From Rotorua Lakes Council's Team Lead Animal Control, Dylan Wright:
While current call out numbers are not significantly higher than usual, it's disappointing that we're not seeing a decrease. There should be no excuse for roaming dogs at the moment because under Alert Level 4 requirements people are meant to be staying at home and should be able to keep a close eye on their dogs' whereabouts.
We've had to respond to a number of attacks in the past couple of weeks which have been a direct result of roaming dogs or dogs not being properly secured on properties. Attacks are incredibly stressful on both dogs and owners and many are completely avoidable.
At a time when we are meant to be reducing our contact with people outside of our bubbles as much as possible, it's disappointing to see dog owners not taking extra precaution. Roaming dogs, and dogs off leads that are not under control all lead to unnecessary physical contact.
My team are working hard to continue their work while also adhering to Alert Level 4 protocols to keep themselves, their families, and the community safe, but every time they have to respond to an attack, or return a roaming dog to an owner, the risk level for everyone increases.
It is a dog owner's legal obligation to keep dogs properly secured on a property and under control.
"Please think of others, and keep your dogs secured.
Figures relating to reports of dog attacks and roaming dogs:
2 weeks prior to lockdown
Reported attacks (on domestic animals/stock/people): 8
Reported roaming dogs: 69
First 2 weeks of lockdown
Reported attacks (on domestic animals/stock/people): 15
Reported roaming dogs: 75