8 May 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Council terms
I'm doing a story about whether the council would ever consider having terms for the mayor and councillors.
I think these are perhaps questions Geoff Williams is best to answer.
- Would the council ever consider terms?
- How would it go about doing it if it was something it wanted to pursue? (Does it require a bylaw?)
*Note for clarification: the reporter was referring to the potential to limit the number of terms for elected members and whether that is something RLC would consider
The following response was sent to the reporter:
We are referring you on to Local Government NZ with this one. It's something that is governed by legislation (Local Government Act), not at local council level or through local bylaws. One of LGNZ's roles is advocating for legislation change so they are the appropriate organisation to talk to about this.
I've let them know we are referring this on. The person for you to speak to is LGNZ's media contact Daniel Webster - phone 022 524 1217, email daniel.webster@lgnz.co.nz
For your knowledge, as per the Local Government Act, bylaws are able to be made to protect the public from nuisance, to protect, promote and maintain public health and safety, and to minimise the potential for offensive behaviour in public places. Specific provision is also made for the adoption of bylaws for the control of liquor in public places.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Cannabis referendum
I am seeking comment from you [Mayor Chadwick] on the cannabis referendum as we are hoping to run local coverage of the issue in our paper tomorrow. I have approached government politicians ie Fletcher, Todd and Tamati, but thought I would also ask you as a local politician.
Could you please provide me with 150 words by 2.30 pm on the questions:
- What is your view on the referendum?
- Would you vote yes or no? Please provide a reason.
- Have you ever smoked cannabis before?
The mayor respectfully declines to comment on this as she deems it to be a Central Government discussion.