7 October 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Complaint to Overseas Investment Office about Trility consortium contract
I have acquired the attached letter [see HERE] which confirms the OIO will not proceed to a formal investigation regarding the decision to enter into a contract with Trility.
Could I please have the council and mayor's response to this?
I've also approached Cr Macpherson regarding this so if there is anything critical of the council or mayor in his comments those will come through to you for right of reply as soon as poss.
As promised, below, for right of reply. Critical (of the mayor) part in bold.
Cr Macpherson:
"Many RDRR members will be disappointed that the Minister for Local Government and the Overseas Investment Office will not be investigating the outsourcing of wastewater management to Trility further.
While we accept that due process was followed by Rotorua Lakes Council regarding policy making, procurement and due diligence, we remain troubled that Trility is Chinese-owned and controlled by entities reporting to the Chinese Communist Party, which in turn controls the People's Republic of China.
"The reasons are that the PRC has an appalling human rights record, the CCP's interference in Australian and New Zealand politics with anti-democratic intentions has long been proven, and yet Rotorua's Mayor arrogantly dismisses these legitimate concerns as conspiracy theories and as absurd fear-mongering. RDRR's view is that you are judged by the company you keep." ENDS
The following comment was provided:
From CE Geoff Williams:
The OIO determining that an investigation is not warranted is no surprise. Council was involved and informed throughout and very aware of the robustness of the process that was followed.
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
Cr Macpherson has an unsuccessful history of running off to the likes of the Auditor General, Ministers and now the Overseas Investment Office. It is an embarrassment and is damaging to Rotorua's reputation nationally so I can only assume it is designed to damage our reputation.
Yet again time and expense have been wasted by officials needing to respond to vexatious, frivolous accusations and factually incorrect claims that create concern and needlessly waste both ratepayer and taxpayer funding. Cr Macpherson's assertions that myself and the CE have ties with the Chinese communist party, for instance, are untrue and completely absurd.
I have had no concerns about this matter. A very rigorous process was undertaken over several years, with expert advice sought and received throughout, so I did not expect there would be an investigation.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: CBD safety patrols
I'm just following up on the press release you issued yesterday regarding the City Safe Guardians.
I have some additional questions.
- How much did the council spend on CBD security/city patrols (both contracted and paid staff) in the financial year ending March 31, 2020. Please break it out to show staff cost and contractor cost if possible. (I note we previously reported in November last year it was costing $28,000 a month. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503438&objectid=12286784
- How many staff/City Guardians were employed during the peak patrol period in summer 2019? (I note the above story says it was 10 patrols).
- If you now have three staff working as guardians, what's happened to the other seven (based on the council's information in November last year there were 10 patrols)? Were they made redundant?
- What's the reason for the big decrease in crime?
- Does the council patrol any of Fenton St/Glehnholme areas where there's been problems lately as a result of the shift of emergency housing clients to motels?
- Is this good news for ratepayers that costs for CBD security are to drop? (Assuming there will be a drop in costs)
- Does the council intend to boost the numbers/patrol again as part of its annual summer safety strategy or will it remain like this until the need increases?
From Council's Operations Group Manager, Jocelyn Mikaere:
(Please note we are still gathering financial info to respond to Question 1).
How many staff/City Guardians were employed during the peak patrol period in summer 2019?
At this time, the patrols consisted of Council's four Safe City Guardians plus additional security staff who were contracted by Council from Watchdog and VR Security.
If you now have three staff working as guardians, what's happened to the other seven (based on the council's information in November last year there were 10 patrols)? Were they made redundant?
As above, the additional security patrollers were contracted by Council. The fourth Safe City Guardian has been seconded for six months into a CCTV role to help with coverage.
What's the reason for the big decrease in crime?
You'll need to contact the Police about crime and criminal behaviour. Our reference to CBD incidents doesn't necessarily relate to 'crime'. We can only assume that the decrease we have seen in reported CBD incidents is related to the changes COVID-19 has brought about in the CBD.
Does the council patrol any of Fenton St/Glehnholme areas where there's been problems lately as a result of the shift of emergency housing clients to motels?
No, our joint security patrols were set up specifically to focus on the CBD.
Any issues in these areas should be referred to the appropriate agency.
Is this good news for ratepayers that costs for CBD security are to drop? (Assuming there will be a drop in costs)
The good news is that we've seen a significant decrease in anti-social behaviour and incidents in the CBD and this has meant we're now able to broaden the role of our Guardians to help meet other community needs.
The change has been made in response to current demand and community need. We have retained the flexibility to commence security patrols again if we need to.
Does the council intend to boost the numbers/patrol again as part of its annual summer safety strategy or will it remain like this until the need increases?
We'll adjust the role of our Guardians and reintroduce security patrols again only if there is a need to.