7 May 2020
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Level 2 announcements
Today I'm getting local reaction to the Prime Minister's announcement about what Level 2 will look like.
- What are your initial reactions to what Level 2 looks like?
- How crucial will a move to level 2 be for our economy?
- For a place like ours which relies so heavily on tourism, how big a difference will the allowance of travel between regions be?
- In your opinion, will these changes be enough to help our businesses and our people get back on their feet?
- Any message for the people of Rotorua? What should our focus be moving forward?
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
We need our local economy up and running again as soon as possible and the opportunity for businesses and facilities to re-open and more activities to resume is good news. Businesses and organisations now need to determine what that will mean for them under level 2.
I've been impressed with the innovation being shown by some of our local businesses and operators and there is optimism among some of our sector leaders. It's hard to predict how quickly domestic tourism will start picking up but I know many of our operators are raring to go again.
Collaboration will be key to Rotorua's recovery and locals will play a vital role in getting businesses and operators going again and keeping our whanau and friends in jobs.
It's also absolutely vital we all remain vigilant about social distancing, hygiene, and non-contact processes to ensure we can remain open for business. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Budget 2020
I'm working on a Budget wishlist package and would like to get the mayor's thoughts on what she would like to see in the budget from a local govt point of view and what would help the people in Rotorua most. Please keep this to no more than 150 words.
From Mayor Chadwick:
There are still many unknowns but we expect an increase in those facing hardship and our people and businesses will need ongoing assistance.
Key Budget signals align with Rotorua's needs - more social support, including boosting social agencies, more support for businesses to build confidence and help sectors hardest hit, and investment in infrastructure to support employment and wider community wellbeing.
We need a big focus on jobs to enable job retention, job creation through diversification and innovation, and a boost for skills education and workforce development to support that.
Direct Government investment in communities will be much-needed to keep businesses and people in work and that will include the shovel-ready projects we're waiting to hear about.
It's crucial government agencies work together to deliver on the Budget to ensure the best possible support and outcomes for our communities and Council is prepared to collaborate and help Government to do that.
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Parking petition
Reporter sought comment from the Mayor as follows:
As you may be aware, there is a petition underway calling for free parking in the CBD.
I understand in order for this to take place it would require a motion of council, so just a simple question for you today - do you support the petition and its call for free parking in the CBD?
Feel free to elaborate if you wish to. As always comments are subject to editorial discretion and may be edited for brevity / clarity.
From Mayor Chadwick:
Petitions are a valid democratic tool for residents to use as a way to influence decision-making.
Parking systems are about managing demand to support businesses by ensuring fairness of access for everybody. If the demand has changed we would need to consider if a change of policy is warranted. So it's not a matter of simply supporting the petition or not, as there are factors that would need to be weighed up.
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Parking petition
This is for the story on the petition on free parking in the CBD.
I've got a couple of comments from different councillors I'd like to give the council [organisation] the opportunity to reply to, let me know if so - will need reply by 3 pm please:
"I think parking in the CBD has been a real dog's breakfast over the last couple of years. Not intended but that's been the outcome."
"The council's parking system doesn't make much money and is nothing but trouble."
"Rotorua [Lakes] Council needs to lead instead of being followers of what paradigm other councils are doing in this space. I hope in the future we can scrap this parking system too. People are over this nonsense "
The reporter was informed the organisation had no comment on the views expressed by the councillors.