6 July 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Proposed Amohau Street changes
The reporter had questions on an item briefly mentioned in the today's [Thursday 5 July] agenda and mentioned by Stavros.
It's on page 22 of the agenda regarding proposed works for the central corridor.
I was wondering if you could tell me what is proposed as we have heard a rumour there are plans to reduce it from four lanes to two plus bike lanes.
I understand Opus is yet to finalise the design but maybe you could also share what key objectives have been identified in the April workshop.
Could also please let me know some sort of timeline for the project and how it ties in with the vision and expectations for the CBD mentioned in the agenda.
It was explained to the reporter that the rumour' regarding a reduction to 2 lanes was incorrect and that this project had been announced in 2014 with funding announced in 2017. The following was also provided -
From Infrastructure Group Manager Stavros Michael:
The Amohau Street project is an $11m NZ Transport Agency-funded project that will revoke the current state highway status and return this corridor to Rotorua Lakes Council as a local road.
The project covers from the Te Ngae Rd Extension (which starts near the entrance to Puarenga Park) to Old Taupo Road, with the major piece of work being the Fenton to Ranolf section.
A steering group which has been established includes representatives from the Transport Agency, consultants working on the project design, inner city business representatives and Pukeroa Oruawhata Trust as owner of the Central Mall.
There are three key objectives:
- Maintaining the capacity of the central corridor as a key central city corridor and main arterial;
- Improved safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists;
- Improved aesthetics and connection with the rest of the CBD, aligned with the ongoing revitalisation of the inner city.
Part of the project will also include cycling facilities, linking to our wider CyWays network which the Transport Agency is also co-funding.
We are now in the design phase for the Amohau St project. Our expectation is that early next year (January/February) we should have the designs finalised and be ready to go out to tender for the work, with the aim of starting physical works around mid-2019.
Background for your info/understanding:
The Amohau St project is part of a $24m roading package for Rotorua which includes improvements to the eastern roading corridor (Te Ngae Road) with about $11m going to Amohau Street.
Currently designated a state highway (SH30A) and under NZ Transport Agency ownership, the state highway designation is to be revoked and the road returned to the ownership of Council so it will become a local road. The intention to do this was announced in 2014 and funding for the project was announced in 2017.
Construction of the first phase of Te Ngae Rd improvements (Sala St to Iles Rd) is expected to get underway later this year and discussions between RLC and NZ Transport Agency on options for improvements between Iles and the airport are ongoing.