6 August 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Green Corridor and inner city review
I am writing a story about Rotorua's Green Corridor and am hoping Lakes Council can provide an update about the review of the functionality of the inner city transport network and the removal of the Green Corridor.
Have any decisions been made regarding the removal of the corridor or has the safety review discussed at April's meeting been progressed any further?
Any information you can provide would be appreciated. I am working toward a 3pm deadline.
I sent an email earlier this morning requesting information on the progress of the Green Corridor being "demobilised". I was hoping to add another question or two.
It appears Tauranga Council are looking to replicate Rotorua's ideas by adding a "linear park" with a path for cyclists and pedestrians, greenery, seats, play areas and outdoor lighting. And also an "eat street" in Wharf St.
Is it flattering to have Tauranga want to copy ideas that Lakes have come up with? Also, with Rotorua looking at whether to retain the Green Corridor, would Lakes Council offer any advice to Tauranga in regard to the money they are looking at spending?
From Infrastructure Group Manager Stavros Michael: "The solution for each town or city will be different but we do face many of the same challenges and are always happy to share our experience. In May we got the go-ahead from elected members to conduct a review of the functionality of the inner city transport network, including reviewing the ongoing need for the green corridor. We indicated at that time that the design for redevelopment of Amohau Street (SH30A) needed to be finished before we started that work as it will impact on the wider CBD and we need to ensure our review aligns with the plan for that corridor. The design work for SH30A is still being completed but we have started planning for the review. It will be a comprehensive process that will include looking at how people and vehicles move around and use the CBD, a review of speed limits and consultation so it's not a quick process. I would expect that we will have some options to bring to Council around February next year for them to consider to take out to public consultation." |