5 February 2020
Media: Rotorua-based Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Council non-financial key performance measures quarterly report
I'm interested in some of the data in the non-financial KPI quarterly report in the [5 February Operations & Monitoring Committee meeting] agenda.
Can you please tell me:
- How are targets / goals set? What are they guided by? For example, for the 'percentage of residents who feel they can participate in decision-making' - what dictates the 2019/2020 target to be >60%? I note some categories are waiting to establish a baseline, so I'm keen to understand how those baselines are set. Let me know if each the categories are guided by different things. I'm particularly interested in the results under the community leadership and planning and regulatory sub-headings.
- For the Q1 results - how were those measured? Was it a survey? Where and when and how was that conducted? Again - particularly interested in community leadership / planning and regulatory.
- What are the specific quarter spans? I.e. the dates?
The reporter attended the Operations and Monitoring Committee meeting but did not stay for the non-financial KPI presentation and was provided with a link to the live streamed meeting footage HERE
Media: NZME (Rotorua Daily Post, BOP Times, NZ Herald)
Topic: Impact of hot weather
Here's what I'd like to know:
1) How do you see the heat impacting local residents and businesses?
2) What should RLC's role be in helping mitigate climate change?
3) What kinds of policies do you think are needed in this area? The RLC's website https://www.rotorualakescouncil.nz/our-services/environment-and-health/sustainability/Pages/Communities-for-Climate-Protection.aspx says "Targets and action plans are yet to be identified to support emission reductions for Rotorua communities at large" (though the RDC's programme outlines a sustainability plan - are RLC and RDC the same entity?)
From Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick:
It's important that everyone plays a role in mitigating the effects of climate change including local councils.
Because a large part of our core business involves infrastructure maintenance, we're always assessing the ways in which we can do our part to combat the effects of climate change.
Campaigns relating to water conservation, fire restrictions are just one of the ways we encourage our communities to do their part.
Sustainability is also integrated throughout Councils strategies relating to thriving communities, stormwater / water management, and our focus on enhancing green spaces.
A discussion document will go out to the public later this year for engagement prior to the development of a climate change response plan.
Media: Rotorua-based Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: CBD parking
Would you be able to provide us with a list of all of the changes announced [during 5 February Operations & Monitoring Committee meeting] by the infrastructure manager please? Just to make sure we cover everything off.
Also, can you please clarify 'disputes' does that mean people who have queried tickets?
Follow-up question:
Also I was wondering if you are able to tell me how many of those 2400 disputed infringements are "one-off, first time" infringements - i.e. how many of those 2400 are likely to be waived by the end of March?
The following information was provided:
One off infringements haven't been split from the full data yet.
Recap of changes as follows:
- Additional on-meter instructions
- Ongoing education campaign
- Mobile app
- We are working through the logistics of implementing an amnesty period for first infringements for the $40 (non-payment) fine by end of March.
- We are finalising the parameters for the wardens regarding the issuing of warning tickets rather than fines for first time infringements for the $40 non-payment fine and will monitor these trends.
- Looking to move to a reduced rate of .50c per hour or a maximum of $4 a day around existing select periphery streets aimed at CBD workers .
- Looking into more solutions for lower cost long term parking options - Hinemaru Street and Kuirau Park areas
- Improvements to Pukuatua St parking building
- Continue to monitor and apply demand management areas where occupancy is exceeding 95% as per Councils Parking Policy
Re disputes: yes that is correct