5 February 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Otonga/ Springfield intersection upgrade
The reporter was contacted by Otonga Primary school as they are starting school on Feb 7 and the principal has concerns about the effect of the roadworks on back to school traffic.
They will have approximately 400 cars causing congestion in the area and are working to get emergency contingency planning communicated to the families. Hoping to have new drop off points so drivers don't have to come through the lights.
Questions asked:
- What traffic management plans have been put in place in general?
- What plans have been put in place for when school resumes and more traffic is on the road at school start and finish times?
- When is the work expected to be finished?
Further clarification:
Questions relate more to the increased traffic caused by the school going back Wednesday. Are there going to be any changes to traffic management to deal with the increase in cars coming through?
Response from Safe and Sustainable Journeys Manager Jodie Lawson,
Our Safe and Sustainable Transport team have been working with Linda Woon, Otonga School staff and the Board of Trustees since the beginning of the project. The team are also working alongside school staff to deliver three walking school bus routes to help ease congestion after school.
Each route will take students to an alternative pick up location on McDowell Street, Nikau Street and Moncur Drive. The school has chosen to hold the walking school buses in the afternoon only and is encouraging parents to try out the route most convenient to them on Wednesday morning to familiarise their own children with the walk.
We understand that parents have been notified via the school Facebook page, app and website and notices will be going to parents in the school newsletter.
The temporary traffic signals will remain in place on each arm of the intersection and contractors are continuously monitoring the traffic flow and can adjust the timing as needed. This week they will be starting work on the south west corner (opposite the shops on the school side).
We encourage parents to consider alternatives to their usual pick-up and drop-off methods including using the walking school buses, riding or walking to school with their children or using different routes to get to school.