3 August 2018
Media: Various media
Topic: Offensive sign at Hell's Gate
Various media inquiried with Destination Rotorua regarding a sign at Hell's Gate which some have found offenive and which the attraction has since removed. It depicts, in cartoon fashion, a Maori cooking a Pakeha in a pot.
It appears it may have been there for some time but has perhaps been repainted/refreshed and the story broke following a social media post by someone who found it offensive.
Destination Rotorua Chief Executive Michelle Templer responded:
- Her personal view is that this is not an appropriate sign;
- It is outdated and does not align with Rotorua's destination brand or destination aspirations;
- Hell's Gate did the right thing by taking it down.
Media: Marlborough Express
Topic: Doggy doo bins
A reporter wanted to know if Rotorua district had bins specifically for dog poo, whether it provided poo bags and whether those bags were biodegradable
The following information was provided:
Regarding bins: We don't have bins specifically for dog poo.
Regarding bags: Biodegradable dog poo bags are available from council and from the iSite in our Redwoods forest. This is something the Rotorua council has been doing for a long time now (providing bags that is) although we are unable to tell you exactly how long.