31 August 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Elected member's salaries increase
The reporter provided the opportunity for Council to respond to the media release from the NZ Taxpayer's Union regarding the increase of elected member's salaries.
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
As I told Councillor Gould when he raised this during the livestreamed meeting - and as your newspaper has reported - it was not an urgent item and the meeting was not the appropriate forum for such a discussion. As I also said, if councillors did wish to discuss it we could do so outside of the meeting.
The following information was also provided:
In case you haven't already contacted the Remuneration Authority directly yourselves here are some facts which have come from the Remuneration Authority regarding local government remuneration. This information provides important clarifications:
Information provided by the Remuneration Authority:
Elected members cannot forgo the remuneration increases contained in the Local Government Members (2018/19) (Local Authorities) Determination 2018 issued in July by the Remuneration Authority.
Their remuneration is determined by the Remuneration Authority and they have no ability to decline all or part of it (see section 14 of the Remuneration Authority Act 1977 which says It is unlawful for any person to act contrary to a determination under this Act or to fail to observe the criteria or limits specified in a determination).
They also cannot instruct their chief executive to not pay an increase.
The situation with MPs' pay is very different from that of local government elected members. Their remuneration is determined by a formula - rather than a decision of the Remuneration Authority. The specific formula the authority is obliged to follow for MPs' pay was passed into legislation in 2015.
NOTE: Regarding the above information the reporter responded that the Post's initial story did make it clear pay rises are determined by the Remuneration Authority and not influenced by the council itself.
We [Remuneration Authority] responded as follows:
Yes everyone understands that part but that's different to the additional information which clarifies that actually they can't decline a remuneration determination, they can't freeze their salaries and they can't instruct their CE to not pay an increase - the legislation won't allow them to do that.
It also clarifies that how MPs' remuneration is determined is very different to local government elected members.
In the interests of fairness and balance I would have thought this information would be very pertinent given that the Taxpayers Union is asking councils to do something they have no legal ability to do. The Remuneration Authority (the chair is Fran Wilde) could verify this for you.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: NZ Transport Agency's National Land Transport Fund announcement
The reporter sought comment from mayor regarding Minister Twyford's announcement:
Please see the response below from Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick -
Our Council has advocated very strongly for investment in Rotorua's key transport corridors and we will continue to do so. We look forward to seeing the further funding breakdowns.
It's great to see that the Government's announcement addresses the need for infrastructure that supports growth and development that we are experiencing in our district and that the investment in safety improvements will be continued.
We've worked very hard during the past few years to pull Rotorua out of the doldrums and change the trajectory the district was on - and we're now seeing investment, population and economic growth and interest from central Government. On-going investment in our key corridors is essential to seeing this growth continue.
Te Ngae Road for instance is a key transport corridor - for locals, for visitors, for key industry like forestry and for freight movements to and from the Port of Tauranga. Other areas identified for improvements are State Highway 33 at Okere Falls and State Highway 5 at Waiotapu.
The focus on public transport, walking and cycling facilities also aligns with the district's priorities to see more sustainable transport methods being used in our community.
We look forward to continuing to work with the Government to ensure we see adequate investment into our roading network.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Floating wetland
We have been sent the attached picture by a reader who is concerned about the state of the floating wetland.
The last we updated on this is that it was damaged by storms in January and was being cleaned up.
- Will the wetland be repaired back to its former glory?
- What will the repairs entail?
- When can people expect it to be done?
- How did the wetland come to look like this?
Please see response below from Infrastructure General Manager Stavros Michael -
The floating wetland in Lake Rotorua was damaged by the storm in January of this year. Post-storm checks found two sections had broken away from the main structure.
Following the storm contractors that maintain the structure carried out the work to reattach the broken sections, strengthen the structure and replant where foliage had been damaged.
We are now waiting for plant growth to happen which will help return form to the structure.
For information only (not for quotes): Where you see bare patches in the photo these areas have been replanted but we are now awaiting growth.