30 May 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Government's 2019 Budget
Reporter requested 150 words from the mayor summarising her views on Budget 2019 which was released today.
From Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick:
There appears to be a real focus on key building blocks to help lift our most vulnerable - mental health services, school fees, benefits, hospitals and Whanau ora. Over time we would hope that type of support would help and build more resilient families and communities and lift and keep people out of poverty, resulting in a more inclusive community and fewer social issues. Mental health in particular has been an area of huge concern so hopefully this means we will have people getting the right type and level of treatment at the right time and place. I believe improvement in this area will trickle down to have an impact in the community in general by helping to address related issues. I haven't seen all the budget detail yet but I think the family focus is a good thing that has the potential for wider, long-term benefits.