30 April 2020
Media: NZME (Rotorua Daily Post and BOP Times)
Topic: Cycling numbers
I'm aware RLC has counters or tickers that record the number of people using some of the city's cycleways but I don't know which.
I'd like to find out how many people used Rotorua's more popular cycleways (and which cycleways) over the weekend just gone and compare it to the weekend before New Zealand went into lockdown L4. Is someone able to please help me with this?
From Jodie Lawson - Safe and Sustainable Journeys Manager
We are thrilled at the current bike explosion on to our network as it shows our community the benefits of choosing alternate modes. COVID-19 has seen for the first time, more cyclists than pedestrians recorded on these parts of the network since we began using the counters. It's especially great to see all the new users such as families, older riders and those more vulnerable feeling safe enough to give it a go while there are fewer cars on the roads.
We are told that one of the most common barriers to people cycling, is the rider feeling unsafe or unsure about navigating road traffic. The isolation period has given Rotorua residents the chance to give riding a go and feel safer while doing it, with less risk and much lower amounts traffic on urban roadways.
We can see from the decrease in numbers at our forest sites that community responded really well to Council's plea to stick to trails close home during Alert Level 4. This movement to urban routes is reflected in the increase at our Fenton Street and Ngongotaha Trail site counters.
While the data only shows a rise in active modes in these areas, Council has witnessed and heard anecdotally about a significant increase in those choosing to ride bikes around their own neighbourhoods. To help us understand the increase in bike use in Rotorua neighbourhoods, Council is encouraging residents to get involved in the 'Big Backyard Bike Count'. It is a family friendly activity that people can participate in from the comfort of their front lawn or driveway.
How to keep your biking momentum going:
- If you're heading back to work in Level 3, why not try commuting by bike while there is less traffic on the roads
- Keep it local and check out the shared path network in your neighbourhood
- Start thinking of costumes so you're ready for the next Frocks on Bikes later this year
- Get the whole family involved - exploring the shared path network by bike, foot or scooter is a great way to explore the city and get active
Support local - jump on your bike and head to your local caf
See collated data provided at THIS LINK